Monday, September 26, 2011

"America's Sheriff" ...rounding up the bad guys - Sheriif Joe Arpaio Calls Out the Posse

The above collage has no connection with the author of the following commentary. ~ NEH

Sheriff Joe Arpaio task force investigating Obama
by Jim Kouri, Public Safety Examiner

Within weeks of being inaugurated as President of the United States and appointing a new U.S. Attorney General, Barack Obama's minions have been investigating Maricopa County, Arizona's tough-on-crime Sheriff Joe Arpaio. But now Arpaio -- known to many in the U.S. as "America's Sheriff" -- is returning the gesture and officially investigating the foggy "facts" of Obama's birth records.
The Obama Administration continues its two-year investigation of Arpaio's law enforcement agency alleging that the sheriff and his deputies are violating the civil rights of illegal aliens. Attorney General Eric Holder has used the Justice Department "to harass a sheriff who dares to enforce laws Holder and Obama should be enforcing," said former police officer Donald Hogue.
The Maricopa Sheriff's Department is one of the few law enforcement agencies in the country to participate in the Homeland Security Department's immigration enforcement program that trains local cops to work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement in capturing illegal aliens, especially criminal aliens.
Arpaio garnered national attention for his no-nonsense approach to illegal immigration and the incarceration of criminal aliens in the county jail system.
Sheriff Arpaio has created a special task force of five investigators he dubbed 'The Cold Case Posse" whose primary assignment is to probe the authenticity of the recently released Obama birth certificate.
Arpaio claims the Obama investigation is not about politics but a response to complaints his office has received from concerned Maricopa County residents.
Rachel Alexander, former attorney with the Maricopa County Attorney's Office and a friend to the Law Enforcement Examiner, has often praised Arpaio's crimefighting philosophy and "outside the box" strategies to make Maricopa the safest county in Arizona.
Alexander and Arpaio, have been under attack by Democrats and leftist organizations who regularly make questionable complaints regarding the two admitted conservatives. Alexander is the publisher of the Internet political commentary magazine *The Intellectual Conservative. (*Full Disclosure: Jim Kouri is a regular contributor to Ms. Alexander's publication.)
Sheriff Arpaio describes his "Cold Case Posse" as a posse within a posse, consisting of volunteers with professional experience in law enforcement and criminal investigations. Some of its members are attorneys with experience in criminal or civil cases. The membership of Arpaio's unique posse includes men and women with specialized training and experience in forensic accounting, crime scene examination, etc.
After receiving complaints from constituents, Arpaio chose five investigators to probe allegations that the Obama birth certificate released by the state of Hawaii is a forgery. The complainants in the case are members of the Surprise Tea Party from the township of Surprise, located within Arpaio's jurisdiction.
Members of the Arpaio Cold Case Posse who are assigned to the Obama probe are not paid with county money, but the department is raising funds through contributions from the public received by the Cold Case Posse 501(c)3 organization.
The Obama records that were never released include; Passport records, Obama kindergarten records, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records/schedules(said to be lost), medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license, adoption records and of course the long-form Certificate of Live Birth.

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