Saturday, September 10, 2011

911 Remembered: Americans Helping Americans ~ The largest boatlift in history...the only way in, the only way out...

"I've worked on the water for twenty-eight years...I've never seen that many boats come together at one time, that fast.  One radio call and they come together that fast!" ~ Robin Jones, An American Hero


  1. What I am struck by Norm, when we compare New Yorkers, who we often regard as cold, heartless and uncaring people to the people in New Orleans after Katrina, New Yorkers come across as far more caring and willing to help each other than almost anybody.

  2. Must be the boat people...
    I used to sail out of the Rhode Island Yacht Club...if there where any cold-hearless liberals there I never noticed...sitting around the bar having a cold one after a hot day on the bay you sort of got to know everyone's concerns...yeah, must be the boat people,life on the water brings out one's character.

  3. Lew said more than he realized. On 9/11 the daily crime level decreased. People went out of their way to help their neighbor. The city came together.

    During Katrina looting, rape and murder abounded.

    Which group is the most caring?

  4. Now based on that empirical evidence, the New Yorkers are more caring than the New Orleaners...

    Although I think the suddeness of 911 vs the slower attack of Katrina may be a factor...
