Friday, June 17, 2011

Gun Runners Obama and Holder

Money Laundering, Drugs, President Steals A Few Billion, DOJ Gun Runners... what a mess we're in !!!

Over at Texas Fred's Fred runs the story that's all over the Internet and some of the major news outlets; ATF agents: Border weapons operation a disasterHere it is mid-June and finally there's some flurry of activity not only in the press but in the Halls of Congress.  I first ran across the story in another piece (Shock Report Says Obama Moved $85 Billion To Honduras) out of Nesara News last April.  I highly suggest you read the Shock Report  (Its under the commentary: Where does Obama get his billion$ ? ) because you'll learn more information about Wachovia Bank's money laundering  operation and the fine imposed on them by the government (What did the government do with the money?)  Somewhere about half-way down you'll find these words with the embedded link, “I'm boots on the ground in Phoenix, telling you we've been doing it every day since I've been here, here I am. Tell me I didn't do the things that I did. Tell me you didn't order me to do the things I did. Tell me it didn't happen. Now you have a name on it. You have a face to put with it. Here I am. Someone now, tell me it didn't happen.”  The link will take you to the CBS video regarding the subject of Texas Fred's blog.   The only reason I mention Texas Fred is for this statement:
"The fact of the matter is this; someone, likely several, perhaps many different individuals within the Obama regime, have made the most incredibly stupid mistake imaginable."

I don't for a minute believe that the Obama regime made an incredible stupid mistake.  It was a well thought out plan that went awry and now they're trying to cover their butts.  The awry part was when some of the agents started speaking up.
Meanwhile, to get a better handle on what this is all about I've collected the videos (4) from the various websites and put them all in one place...right here...just scroll on down.

CBS Videos...if you want to read the text version click here.

This next one is from FOX News via YouTube

This next one will give you some insight about Obama's role...

You know what?  I think Obama and Holder are setting themselves up for a hanging ceremony.  Maybe they should have it on the Washington Mall somewhere between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.  Now you know how I feel about the death penalty but in this case I'll chip in to buy the rope.

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