Saturday, June 11, 2011

Breaking News: Leon Panetta...A communist Spy?

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This is indeed a breaking story and it also backs up my suspicions concerning Panetta and his Marxist overseer in the White House.  The headline over at Trevor Loudon's New Zeal reads: "Obama's CIA Director Linked To Spies Through Communist Party Figure" and if that isn't enough to make you worry about what's happening to your country then you better wake the hell up! ~ Norman E. Hooben

Leon Panetta Hugh DeLacy: Panetta Friendship with Hugh DeLacy of Communist Party USA
June 10, 2011 By Maggie
Trevor Loudon at New Zeal has another breaking story, reporting CIA director Leon Panetta’s (current candidate for Secretary of Defense) former close relationship with Communist Hugh DeLacy. DeLacy died in 1986 at the age of 76. DeLacy served in the U.S. House from Washington State from 1945 to 1947. His membership in the Communist Party USA was undisclosed, just as was his friendship with Panetta.

Leon Panetta
Pullout Quote:
“it is clear that Panetta, whose nomination to be CIA director was considered mystifying even to those in the intelligence business, has been a key component of a network of left-wing activists and socialist organizations for over two decades.
In 1977 Panetta was serving his first term in the U.S. House of Representatives. According to Loudon, that same year Panetta wrote a letter to DeLacy and:
…offered a summary of a report on U.S. military operations that Panetta said was “unavailable for distribution.” Panetta concludes the March 24, 1977 letter: “If there is anything I can do for you in the future, Hugh, please feel free to call on me.”
Cliff Kincaid is working on this story with Trevor Loudon. Read a letter at Kincaid’s USASurvival blog showing Panetta asking for clemency for a man convicted of killing two FBI agents – both first degree murder. Peltier remains incarcerated.
Leon Panetta’s confirmation hearing for Secretary of Defense began yesterday before the Senate Armed Services Committee. Now is the time to contact your Senators before the full-Senate vote, and even before the Committee votes, likely next Tuesday. We know the Senate body gets little news in their isolated Land of Oz. We must make sure they have the details. Go to New Zeal Blog for all the information and please, let the following motivate your phone calls, emails and faxes – quickly:
…Loudon reviewed the Hugh DeLacy papers at the University of Washington, while Kincaid examined hearings conducted on “Communist Political Subversion” by the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities and “Un-American Activities in California” by the California Senate Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities.
“When this information is examined in context,” Loudon and Kincaid stated, “it is clear that Panetta, whose nomination to be CIA director was considered mystifying even to those in the intelligence business, has been a key component of a network of left-wing activists and socialist organizations for over two decades. These individuals and groups include not only Hugh DeLacy and his communist associates but the communist-dominated Progressive Party, Democratic Socialists of America and the neo-Marxist New American Movement. Panetta, in short, was a player in the network that sponsored the political career of a young Barack Obama in Chicago. This helps explain why Panetta was picked, seemingly out of nowhere, for the CIA job.”
The Washington Post says Senators on the Armed Services Committee “gushed” over the outstanding job Panetta has done. The gushing also came from Republicans, or at least one, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) (said he “couldn’t wait” to vote for him – will get his chance next Tuesday.) If you have an Action Group email list, this is the time to use it. Find your Senator’s contact information here. Find documentation at USA Survival.

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