Tuesday, March 1, 2011

This is what happens when you're frustrated with Obama, Pelosi, and Reid

Office Worker Goes Absolutely Insane - Watch more Funny Videos


  1. All I can say about all of those 'men' standing around watching and running away, what a bunch of cowardly wimps. They could have eaasily stopped him rifght after he hit the woman with the monitor.

    Any 2 or 3 could have stepped up and stopped him long before he did all that damage.

    But, what can you expect from bunch of liberals?

  2. Even the wimp taking pictures with his cell phone had the opportunity to get this guy.
    There was no sign of any team effort...heck with seven or eight guys in the office you would think that a couple of them would have tackled this guy...
    And how 'bout those wimps running for the door...
    Is this the result of raising children to be 'PC'?
    I think a warning sign here is the fact that no men showed up immediately which makes us all vulnerable.
    It would be good to see an after action report from the company to see what kind of wimpy excuses they come up with...
