Saturday, February 5, 2011

New York Times vs Clarence Thomas

My Grandfather's Son, a biography of and by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is a very interesting read...  Upon finishing the book I was so impressed that shortly thereafter, I had made the statement, "The only person in the federal government that deserves my overwhelming trust is Clarence Thomas...I trust no other!"  Well that was somewhat short-lived when Justice Thomas did nothing in his power to review the Obama birth certificate issue; he apparently went along with all the others who declared that so and so (and that should include we the people) did not have standing.  The fact of the matter is every American, from the moment of birth to the last living breath has standing.  It is a fundamental right!  Its also the law that Obama must prove his eligibility...he never has!  So my trust is somewhat diminished but I must remain faithful that Justice Thomas will eventually live up to his grandfather's expectations. (side note: If you want to know a few facts about Biden, Shumer, and a few other nasty people that are running our country into the ground, I highly suggest you read the book.  Much of what Thomas writes about I can vouch for myself, as can any who may have watched the shameful proceedings on live television.  The vitriol and scum that came out of those senate hearings can best be summed up by the words of Clarence's mother, "I ain't never votin' fo' another Democrat long as I can draw breath." ...and this after wrongfully assuming that all these years they were "sensible leaders". [Sometimes it takes a rude awakening for people to know who really is stabbing them in the back, I was awakened back in the sixties, but that's another story.])
So now we have a major story coming out of the left wing's modern papyrus otherwise know as the New York Slime. Immediately the Times wants to create a negative image of Judge Thomas simply because his wife, Virginia Thomas, has taken up ideological postions that, according to the editorial, may affect future decisions by her husband. Here's the quote:
Justice Thomas “should not be sitting on a case or reviewing a statute that his wife has lobbied for,” said Monroe H. Freedman, a Hofstra Law School professor specializing in legal ethics. “If the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned, that creates a perception problem.”
Kind of a lame excuse there Mr. Freedman...if you're going to use that form of deductive reasoning then it stands to reason then the usurper in charge, Mr. Obama, should not be signing bills nor creating Executive Orders (EO's) that Mrs. usurper, Michelle Obama, has lobbied for...makes sense doesn't it or you only like to make the rules to fit your un-American agenda. Does not the New York Times create perception problems?  How else would I know they are un-American? ~ Norman E. Hooben

The following from the New York Times
February 4, 2011

Justice Thomas’s Wife Sets Up a Conservative Lobbying Shop

WASHINGTON — The wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, who has raised her political profile in the last year through her outspoken conservative activism, is re-branding herself as a lobbyist and self-appointed “ambassador to the Tea Party movement.”
Virginia Thomas, the justice’s wife, said on, a Web site for her new political consulting business, that she saw herself as an advocate for “liberty-loving citizens” who favored limited government, free enterprise and other core conservative issues. She promised to use her “experience and connections” to help clients raise money and increase their political impact.
Ms. Thomas’s effort to take a more operational role on conservative issues could intensify questions about her husband’s ability to remain independent on issues like campaign finance and health care, legal ethicist said.
Justice Thomas “should not be sitting on a case or reviewing a statute that his wife has lobbied for,” said Monroe H. Freedman, a Hofstra Law School professor specializing in legal ethics. “If the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned, that creates a perception problem.”
Ms. Thomas’s founding of her own political consulting shop, Liberty Consulting, was first reported Thursday by Politico, which said she had begun reaching out to freshmen Republicans in Congress.
The move comes a few months after she gave up the top spot at Liberty Central, a conservative Web site that she founded in 2009 and that has strong links to the Tea Party movement.  ...Story continues here.

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