Saturday, February 26, 2011

Allen West All The 2012 [One thing for sure, he won't be blowing sunshine up your butt!]

Source: The Shark Tank Florida's Political Feeding Frenzy

Allen West Confronted by Koran-Wielding CAIR Executive (VIDEO)
by Javier Manjarres

At a townhall meeting hosted by Congressman Allen West on Monday evening in Pompano Beach, the Q&A segment of the meeting featured a Koran wielding Nezar Hamze, Executive Director of the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Hamze confronted Congressman West and asked him to point out where in the Koran does it give marching orders to Muslims “to carry out attacks against Americans and innocent people”. West quickly pointed out that the Koran was written long before America even existed and that it does indeed tell believers to kill infidels, and then proceeded to chronicle a lengthy list of historical Muslim acts of aggression. Congressman West closed his retort by referencing the Fort Hood shootings and 9-11 attacks, saying that his first hand experiences on the battlefield has given him insight into the tactics that Islamists use before telling Hamze not to “try to blow sunshine up my butt” with his criticism of him. West took offense to Hamze’s amateurish criticism of his stance on radical Islam and concluded by telling Mr. Hamze to “put the microphone down and go home.”

More of Allen West from YouTube
The guy is smart! ...and doesn't need a teleprompter!


  1. A few days ago I sent an email containg links to information about Col. West to numerous conservatives and asked them what their opinion of him is. Everyone who replied said they would vote for him in an instant. There's even some folks out in Los Angeles who said he's the best possible candidate they can think of.

  2. Thanks Don,
    Back when he first made his intentions to run for Congress I may have been the first blogger in Alabama (or anywhere else for that matter)to show some support for him. If he continues to be vocal as he has in the above videos it should get the attention of those voters who are still asleep at the wheel...I wish him well. ~ Norm
