Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Obama is aiding and abetting our enemies to assimilate/infiltrate into American society and our government

Note: This was originally posted September 27, 2010 at Liberty News Online

This article is about specific infiltration of our government by agents of the Muslim Brotherhood, who are dedicated toward the destruction of America from within. I hope every liberal and progressive minded, well-intentioned person who has any doubts, will take the time to digest the information herein. It
leaves little doubt that our president is helping them along, either inadvertently or deliberately

On August 31st of this year, the Obama administration invited several representatives from over twenty powerful Islamic organizations to attend a workshop hosted by the White House and other government agencies, including Homeland Security, Education and Health and Human Services. The purpose was to provide information and methods for red-tape cutting access to government funding.

Many of these organizations have been linked directly, and indirectly, to the
Muslim Brotherhood whose own uncovered documents have revealed their
purpose for existence, i.e. the Islamization of America by destroying
western institutions from within.


No one is making this up. This is not the product of some right-wing radical conspiracy. It’s real. And it’s deadly for America. If nothing else, it provides evidence that the Obama administration owes its allegiance more to the Islamic agenda than to
the agenda of taxpaying Americans.

Here is a link to a related article. Read it and weep:

‘Direct Access’ Stimulus Grants for the Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood is the global cloak organization under which hundreds of Islamic organizations are formed and operate, all with the same strategic long-range goal: The overthrow of our government.

Think of them like we once thought of the Mafia. Local crime bosses and thugs all over America were the most visible. But the purse strings and rules were controlled by the hierarchy families, like Lucky Luciano and John Gotti. Only their God was money and we knew the players; they were not clandestine, they didn’t pretend to be law-abiding or “moderate.”

The Muslim Brotherhood is the stealth power group of marionette puppeteers that control all the strings of jihad around the world, including many of the so-called Islamic faith-based organizations in America.

In 1991 and again in 2007, key leaders of the Holy Land Foundation were put on trial for providing relief and funding to foreign terrorist organizations. During the course of those trials, many incriminating items of evidence were introduced and admitted. One of those was a document, authored and sanctioned by the Brotherhood hierarchy, which spells out their strategic goals. If successful, our grandchildren will be living under Sharia Law.

Do we care? Isn’t it at least worth a look? My question is directed toward naysayers, liberals, progressives and doubters. Check it out. This is no “Cry Wolf” story. We will all be sorry later if we don’t pay attention now.

The following link shows the document, written in Arabic and then translation into English. Make particular note of page 7 of 18 in the English translation section which states:

4- Understanding the role of the Muslim Brother in North America:


The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means. The Ikhwan (brothers) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the
believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes.

The following report chronicles the discovery and source of the document. It also provides a partial list of the organizations associated with the MB, some of which are in the fold of the current White House:


In summary, the bottom line is this:

Our president is aiding and abetting our enemies to assimilate/infiltrate into American society and our government.

Our president is providing assistance for gaining access to our tax dollars so that our enemies can better carry out their agenda.

Couple this, with all the other links and questions about the loyalty of Barack Obama to the future of a free America — many of which have been
enumerated by myself in past articles, and by countless other writers and analysts who see with their eyes wide open, trying desperately offer a wake-up call to everyone who cares about our children’s future. It’s a matter of connecting dots and it becomes ever more suspicious that the president has violated his oath of office.

It is my fervent hope that the upcoming elections will upturn both houses of congress so that a new minority will be left to support the Democratic Obama agenda, and a new majority can initiate impeachment proceedings — before it is too late.

As an Independent, I usually stay away from Republican versus Democrat politics, because there is plenty wrong with both parties. This year, it is vital that as many Democrats are ousted from office as possible, for one reason: to help usurp the agenda of Barack Obama.


Thirty years of law enforcement in Miami, Florida, including sixteen years working homicide, gives Marshall Frank a huge reservoir from which to draw insights into the problems facing America today. After retiring from the Miami-Dade P.D. in 1990, Frank went on to become a writer, now with eight published books, five fiction and three non-fiction. His book "Militant Islam In America" was published after an exhaustive research study about the inroads that radicals are making within the borders of the U.S. He is currently working on a non-fiction book about the abominable criminal justice system. Book listings, prices and availability can be accessed at his web site: http://www.marshallfrank.com/.

←Marshall Frank

See also:
1.  Muslim Problem...yeah, I think so
2. We Cannot Blame Islam for the Actions of One Man ← a must read!

...and this excerpt from the Hudson Institute:
The MB and the United States
Neutralizing American opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood is a key objective in the Egyptian MB’s plan to prepare the way for its future assumption of political power. The Brotherhood’s “Reform Initiative,” which was launched in March 2004, aimed to persuade outsiders that the Brotherhood was in fact a “moderate Islamist” movement. The MB remains unwilling, however, to pay for dialogue with the United States by making any substantial ideological or political concessions. And as the self-appointed leader of the Arab Islamic struggle, the Egyptian MB continues to hold firm to the idea that its overall project is in total conflict with that of the United States.
...and a reminder from Cicero
"A nation can survive its' fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor--He speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation--he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city--he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared."Cicero, 42 B.C., Roman Statesman, orator, and author.


  1. Thanks for linking to mt article, it's appreciated.

  2. No problem Bernie...I check into your site frequently...really like your stuff! Keep up the excellent op-ed's...sure beats the MSM!

    How's the snow there in NJ today...getting a blizzard here on Cape Cod...good football watching time...especially that the Patriots are winning...
    All the best in the new year.


  3. I'm letting my two sons dig us out. Haven't seen this much snow in a while. Thank God for all the CO2 emissions otherwise it would be so cold there would have been 50 feet of snow.
