Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mysterious Missle Fired Off West Coast

(CBS)  A mysterious missile launch off the southern California coast was caught by CBS affiliate KCBS's cameras Monday night, and officials are staying tight-lipped over the nature of the projectile.
CBS station KFMB put in calls to the Navy and Air Force Monday night about the striking launch off the coast of Los Angeles, which was easily visible from the coast, but the military has said nothing about the launch.  KFMB showed video of the apparent missile to former U.S. Ambassador to NATO Robert Ellsworth, who is also a former Deputy Secretary of Defense, to get his thoughts.

Scroll down for KFMB video showing the launch.

"It's spectacular… It takes people's breath away," said Ellsworth, calling the projectile, "a big missile".
Magnificent images were captured by the KCBS news helicopter in L.A. around sunset Monday evening. The location of the missile was about 35 miles out to sea, west of L.A. and north of Catalina Island.
A Navy spokesperson told KFMB it wasn't their missile. He said there was no Navy activity reported in the area Monday evening.
On Friday night, Vandenberg Air Force Base, in California, launched a Delta II rocket, carrying an Italian satellite into orbit, but a sergeant at the base told KFMB there had been no launches since then.
Ellsworth said such tests were carried out in the Atlantic to demonstrate America's power to the Soviets, when there was a Soviet Union, but he doesn't believe an ICBM has previously been tested by the U.S. over the Pacific. Officially, at least, the projectile remains a mystery missile.
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  1. If it ain't ours, our military needs to know who is hanging around our shores and what they are doing.

    Being surprised by an event of this magnitude is absolutely unacceptable.

    This is more significant than the missile gap that got JFK elected defeating Nixon.

    That could have been an EMP attack, catching us by surprise.

    Its time for a game of bocce.

  2. Just before coming across your reply I was thinking the same thing. With previous talk about Obama and his cabinet being out of the country along with the Clintons, et al and the fact that this (the president and his entourage) has never happened before in history, the rumors flying about was that something was going to happen. Well something did happen; an unknown missile came out of nowhere. Is that a coincidence or what? Also, If it was an attempt by anyone other than our own U.S. Navy could they have made an honest attempt to aim at us but their GPS was not working well...it (the missile) did appear to head away from the coast.
    And what's this idea that both the Navy and the Air Force knew nothing...they have monitoring devices running 24/7...give me a break!

  3. I'm thinking a false flag event. Somewhere there will be one or two sailors who will leak this eventually. Never trust the upper echelon of the Pentagon. There are too many "yes-men" more interested in their prestige and pay checks.
