Wednesday, May 5, 2010

There Ought To Be A Law ...well, errr, errr, aah, but, there used to be...


  1. Two commenters I don't know have left the comment that this is fake. I've looked all over the Internet, and all I can find is discussion about it. ALIPAC is trying to verify it, I understand.

  2. Upon further examination...
    When you enlarge the picture it appears to have signs of tampering... the hand holding the sign looks as though someone cut and pasted over the original...also there is a demarcation line along the sign's handle where the cut was made...

    Should I pull my collage down? It makes for good satire as posted but the guy in the picture may not appreciate it.

  3. Rightwing CowboyThursday, May 06, 2010

    This was at what TEA PARTY?

    No Have you ever noticed the difference in the rallies/protests. Tea Parties leave the area cleaner than they they found it. The left enjoys destroying the area.
