Monday, May 10, 2010

Terrorism...Don't panic! Get used to it!

"...eight-plus years and 15,247 acts of Islamic terrorism"
But who's counting?  Certainly not Mr. Islam himself Barack Husein Obama!

Source: Washington Examiner

Diana West: We need real leadership to put American interests first

By: Diana West Examiner Columnist May 9, 2010

There were some big losers in the national guessing game over the identity of the failed Times Square bomber this week. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg took the booby prize for picking "someone who doesn't like the health care bill or something." That was before Pakistani-born, 2009-naturalized Faisal Shahzad was apprehended Sunday night trying to flee to Dubai. Even after that point, Democratic strategist Bob Beckel was holding out for "a right-wing militia man," while an array of mainstream media commentators, tracked by, seized on jihad-alternate theories as the trigger.
One favorite: foreclosure rage. It seems, as the AP noted, Shahzad ran out on his home mortgage when he abandoned "the path to respectability." Of course, that was when he also chose the path to jihad, not that the media would go there.
Instead, the early narrative dwelled on the "suburban" family man who had lost his home -- a two-story, grayish brown Colonial, we gratuitously learned. "One would have to imagine that that brought a lot of pressure and a lot of heartache on that family," said CNN's Jim Acosta.
One sure would, but only if "one" had remained blind to advancing global Islamization, eight-plus years and 15,247 acts of Islamic terrorism (as tallied by since 9/11, and therefore to the possibility that Shahzad, who received five months of weapons training in Pakistan before assembling his car bomb, might be part of it.
But no. Indeed, "there was a part of me that was hoping [the Times Square bomber] was not going to be anybody with ties to any kind of Islamic country," said MSNBC host Contessa Brewer. Of course, she inadvertently revealed there was a part of her that strongly suspected otherwise.
But that tiny voice of reason, Brewer and her peers seem to believe, is from the dark side. Brewer explains: "There are a lot of people who want to use terrorist intent" -- jihad! -- "to justify writing off people who believe in a certain way" -- people who believe in jihad! -- "or come from certain countries" -- that is, countries that practice Shariah and promote jihad! -- "or whose skin color is a certain way."
This last bit, a non-applicable race card, works like a last-ditch sympathy trigger. "I mean," she said, "they use it for justification for really outdated bigotry."
Welcome to your world, where self-defense is bigotry, and thus worse than death by fireball, ax or vaporizing over the Atlantic.
This is as ridiculous as it is obscene. There is no "bigotry" in understanding jihad as the engine of Islamic supremacism driven by the imperative to spread Islamic law (Shariah). Our leading lights shrink from this basic truth lest its clean logic wither the fuzzy, cultural-relativism-based universalism that orders our society.
If our leaders faced facts, you see, they might also have to act. They might have to consider such measures as halting Islamic immigration to stop the demographic spread of Shariah.
In Pakistan, after all, 79 percent of the people, according to a 2007 survey by WorldPublicOpin, favor the "strict application of Shariah."
Notorious jihadists have traveled to Pakistan for terrorism training, including lucky-for-us failures Shahzad, subway bomber Najibullah Zazi (also two high school classmates), and David Coleman Headley, implicated in an assassination plot against cartoonist Kurt Westergaard also targeting Jyllands Posten newspaper. Jihadists who trained in Pakistan have also killed and maimed scores of innocents in Mumbai and in the London Underground.
Our leaders haven't noticed. They stay riveted on their own navels, devising higher-tech ways to stare into the navels of the rest of us.
Post-Shahzad, Agence France-Presse reports, New York City officials plan to expand a "controversial security blanket of cameras, sensors and analytical software" into midtown Manhattan. The New York Times notes cutting-edge research in pixel conversion that promises to enhance the readability of security cameras.
Meanwhile, the advice of a terrorism expert such as Richard A. Clarke is summed up in the following Times subhead: "Don't Panic, Get Used to It."
Is there anyone left with America's interests at heart?

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