Friday, May 21, 2010

In Space And Time...we've come a long way...and I played such a small role...but I WAS there!

It was 1977 and I was there to witness history in the making... Seeing this first hand was one of my most memorable moments of my 21 year career with the United States Air Force. I remember standing next to two Air Force pilots who were simply amazed at the angle of the flight path...especially that the shutlle was not under power, just a big glider! ~ Norm (ps: Not that this has anything to do with the space shuttle but its also a memorable moment...the following Sunday I made it all the way up to the showcase on the nightime Price Is Right with Bob Barker...won some stuff!)

Remember this shuttle was launched from a 747
...and look where we are now.


  1. That time-lapse video is amazing....I remember you on Price Is of the things you won was a big screen t.v., I think... before I ever saw one before...

  2. That's even more amazing! Yes, I did win a giant screen TV along with a giant size waterbed and a piano. How on earth did you remember the TV?


    ps: Which Jeff is this? I have three in my address book. Obrien I bet...
