Saturday, May 15, 2010

‘Day Without Mexicans’ Planned...sounds like a plan to obey the law for only one day...and what good is that?

‘Day Without Mexicans’ planned

By Miguel Timoshenkov - Laredo Morning Times
Web Posted: 05/13/2010 10:51 CDT
As a protest against Arizona’s controversial immigration law, the chambers of commerce from Nuevo Laredo to Matamoros have agreed to set May 25 as a “Day Without Mexicans” on the South Texas border. Business leaders are calling on all Mexican nationals to avoid crossing the international bridges into the United States for any reason, but particularly for shopping, on that day.
“Our action will be united and preventive,” said Emilio Girón Fernández de Jáuregui, president of the Nuevo Laredo Chamber of Commerce.
As have many Mexican officials, Girón Fernández de Jáuregui criticized Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer for criminalizing the lack of documents when “historically, Mexican nationals have left their money in border cities.”
He added that business owners and merchants traditionally have rejected and protested measures that violate human rights. Contrary to earlier reports, there are no plans to block the international bridges as part of the May 25 protest, Girón Fernández de Jáuregui said.
The decision to ask Mexican citizens to avoid traveling to the United States on May 25 was the result of a conference called by the national Chambers of Commerce earlier this week. Chamber officials from each of the cities along the Texas-Mexico border agreed to the plan and will develop their own ways of calling for the boycott.
“It will be a grand moment of solidarity among border Mexicans,” Girón Fernández de Jáuregui said.
Some Texas civic leaders were concerned about the protest, saying that it wasn’t fair to penalize Texas businesses for something that Arizona had done. Several Texas leaders, including Gov. Rick Perry, have said Texas would not follow Arizona’s lead.
“It’s true that Texas hasn’t adopted such a measure, but we’ve already heard that some legislators are considering carrying a bill that would make criminals out of those without documents,” Girón Fernández de Jáuregui said.
The chamber leader emphasized that Mexican workers in the United States are good people who help strengthen the U.S. economy and have helped it grow.
“Our interest is to defend the honor of each Mexican, with or without papers, in the United States,” Girón Fernández de Jáuregui said.

1 comment:

  1. Rightwing CowboySaturday, May 15, 2010

    This might actually be a benefit. Now all I have to hope for is that the "so-called boycottees" will turn down their car stereoes and deprive us of their musical culture.
    And by the way, can we get the boycott extended to both sides of the border. Maybe ICE can help by putting a lock on the gates at the border crossings for, say, a month.
