Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Census...show 'em the Constitution For The United States


  1. Great video.

    I'm guessin' that when these census takers show up at my door the temperature here in the desert of Arizona, specifically here in Yuma, AZ, will be pushing 100 degrees. Now, when they come to the gate, of which will be guarded by 4 sweet little four-legged dogs who do not like strangers, they will have to ring a bell to attract my attention to the fact that I have visitors.
    When I arrive at the gate, to my surprise, they will be standing in full sun light. Of course my side of the gate is shaded. I will greet them with copies of the Constitution and explain that there are two people who live in my house. End of conversation. Any further conversation will have to take place on their part as I stand sipping on a cool glass of iced tea or, if it is after noon, I cold Bud Light or possibly a Jack and coke.
    Pack that in yer pipe and smoke it Barry.

  2. DITTO THAT! Cowboy....I justy may sit on my porch, clening my Carbine , no bullets, and a copy of the Constitution... See if Barry will show up to tell me that I am wrong!
