Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Best Source You Will Ever Find ...from the mailbox

----- Original Message -----
From: link removed
To: undisclosed-recipients
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 11:42 PM
Subject: The BEST source you will EVER find! (Besides the Bible)

I have provided a link below. If you want to learn what has caused the mess we are in, this is the site for you:

Bernadine Smith is a true Patriot! This is her website. She has obviously dedicated her life to this work. Click on the "Documents" tab under the heading and look out! You are accessing the EVIDENCE of what has been going on right under our noses, yet behind our backs! She has links, copies of original documents, all sorts of info that will remove ALL doubt what has taken place.
This first link is to an Exec Order allowing our infrastructure to be SOLD to private entities. Open the link, go to page 2, and read next to the check mark. Read the definitions of "Privatization" and "Infrastructure Assets". They can be bought by FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS, OR FOREIGN COMPANIES!

When you get up from the floor, and you think you can handle some more, open the next link. This Exec Order calls for the tranfer of Federal employees over to INTERNATIONAL Organizations:

You O.K.? Think you're bad and you want some more huh? You are pretty tough! TRY THIS ONE THEN!
This document shows why you see the never ending pattern of attacks on our right to keep and bear (?) arms! This is the "Arms Control and Disarmament Act" of 1961 signed by John F. Kennedy:

I know, I know! That sick feeling in your stomach should ease off soon......unless you click on this next link.
This link is to the US State Dept Doc 7277, "The United States Program For General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World." It calls for a 3-phase program to gradually eliminate our military, and ALL armaments and weapons, weapons manufacturing, ammunition, and personal firearms, while simultaneously strengthening the United Nations military until no nation on Earth has the power to wage war...or resist the U.N. military. The only weapons and ammo America would be ALLOWED to keep would be the bare minimum needed to keep "internal order" within our country! Read for yourself:

That's enough. I'm calling off the dogs for a while. You need some recovery time.
When you recuperate, just start reading some of the links under "documents" and share them with people you know. We need to be informed so we can know what the problems are. If we don't know what the problems are, we can never correct them.

Now, find a good friend who will pull that knife out of your back that OUR Government stuck in you! Understand that our greatest threat is not from a foreign enemy. Our founders warned us of this. There is an entire section on Mrs Smiths website dedicated to the wisdom and teachings of our founders. That is a good place to start.

GOD bless
Name removed

p.s. You MUST learn to keep your guard up. That lip is pretty swollen. And keep your head on a swivel. Those knives in the back hurt!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds eerily like the UN's Millennium Goal. Excellent resource, Norm. Thanks much.
