Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"This isn’t an election, it’s a movement." - Ya got that right Howie!

One of my favorite radio personalities Howie Carr also writes for the Boston Herald...

Truck-driving Scott Brown hits brakes on Dem
By Howie Carr Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Photo by Ted Fitzgerald

The snow is brown - Scott Brown. Guys in pickup trucks don’t let a few flurries bother them.

The lesson is clear. The people are mad as hell, and they aren’t going to take it anymore.

This isn’t an election, it’s a movement. We reversed the curse - the Kennedy curse.

Over the past week or so, we’ve seen listening as people from out of state were saying something most of us have never heard before: “Oh Good, I wish I lived in Massachusetts.”

At least for a day or so they wished they did, so they could vote for Scott Brown, to let these smug moonbats and the Beautiful People and Obama’s tax cheats and the freeloading illegal aliens know that they don’t own this country - not yet anyway.

Health-care “reform” dead for a generation? Let’s keep our fingers crossed. Two generations would be even better. As several callers to my radio show said yesterday, paraphrasing Michelle Obama:

“For the first time in my adult life, I feel proud to be a Massachusetts resident.”

That’s “Massachusetts,” not “Massachusettes” - the way Marsha - er, Martha spells it. Sorry about that, all you post-middle-aged sob sisters. How sexist it was of Scott Brown to continue campaigning over Christmas. Why, why, it’s practically a hate crime.

Martha Coakley. She is woman, hear her squeak.

Here’s the thing about Martha Coakley: She was trying to sell a product nobody wanted. A quote from Gore Vidal sums her up perfectly: “No talent is not enough.”

You want to know what the fastest selling T-shirt in Massachusetts is going to be? “Don’t blame me, I voted for Mike Capuano.”

It turns out Martha Coakley wasn’t Shannon O’Brien. She was worse, much worse. She was the female Tom Dewey, an empty pantsuit. Hey, Martha, good move running those TV spots quoting Brown as saying he’d be the 41st vote against the Obama rationing scheme when more people in Massachusetts are against the more taxes-fewer services plan than are for it.

Keep on truckin’, Martha.

And how about that Boston Globe - running its phony-baloney poll a week ago Sunday in a pathetically lame attempt to stop the Brown surge.

They had Coakley ahead by 15 percentage points - these trust-funded Kool-Aid drinkers should be lugged for common nightwalking. Another proud moment for the bow-tied bumkissers of Morrissey Boulevard, which will certainly be mentioned when the obituary for the moonbats’ Bible is written a few months from now.

Speaking of obituaries, coming up next, tomorrow night, Gov. Deval Patrick’s annual State of the State address. Hey Deval, first they came for Marsha, and you did nothing. Then they came for . . .

Cancel the State of the State, Deval. Schedule visiting hours, 4-8.

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