Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Scott Brown...I'm impressed. How 'bout you? After all it's THE PEOPLE'S SEAT !!!

Excellent comeback to an otherwise really dumb question...

And then there's this kind of positive support...

The following commentary from American Glob

“It’s the people’s seat.”

About 24 hours ago, I uploaded a short video on YouTube of Massachusetts senate candidate Scott Brown, in which he declared to debate moderator David Gergen “With all due respect, it’s not the Kennedy’s seat, it’s not the Democrats’ seat, it’s the people’s seat.” At the time of this writing, just 24 hours later, that video has been viewed over 200,000 times.

Last night and today, the video was embedded or linked on countless blogs and was even featured on the Drudge Report. That moment of the debate was discussed by Rush Limbaugh on his radio show today and the video was embedded on his website.

Scott Brown was able to summarize a national zeitgeist in four simple words, “it’s the people’s seat.”

Those four words confirmed for many Americans, what they have felt for months. That our elected representatives have forgotten that their seats belong to us, not them. A mere 24 hours after Brown uttered these words, they have already become an auto-fill statement on Google.

Its The Peoples Seat

That Scott Brown was able to articulate this so eloquently, proves that he has not forgotten what it means to serve the people and for that, he deserves the the trust of Massachusetts voters and Americans from every other state.

Scott Brown is what America needs more of in our elected officials. An understanding that they represent the will of the American people. As a libertarian, I may not agree with Scott Brown on every single issue, but as a resident of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I will cast my vote for him on January 19th for one simple reason.

I trust him.


Me too! (I trust him.) Storm'n Norm'n


  1. I hope he gets elected. It will partially restore my faith in the people of Massachusetts.

  2. John,
    I hold that same wish and I live in the "People's Republic of Massachusetts." I'm doing all I can to convince people to vote for Scott Brown, but sometimes I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots. I'm hoping that there are more savvy voters out there who think like me. I don't have money to donate to elections, but I do write in the blogs. I also write in the on-line Attleboro Sun Chronicle and I'm able to say pretty much on that site as I do in the blogs, which is more than I can say for my own hometown newspaper the Taunton Daily Gazette. What I have been telling people is; This isn't about Democrats or Republicans. It's about having checks and balances in Congress. Unless you want this failed Socialist Obamacare, and this Cap and Trade that is only designed to tax you out of your mind, then you must get Brown elected to the Senate in Ma. Our system of government works better with a two party system. We might not always agree with what they come up with, but it's a heck of a lot better than having one party having carte Blanche over our lives behind closed doors. It's pretty evident that Obama is a bold face liar and has gone back on his campaign promises. There's no bipartisanship between the two parties on this health care bill, and no C-Span covering it either. Obama is a LIAR! He nothing but an out-right LIAR, and Joe Wilson was right when he stood up before Congress and called Obama a--- LIAR!!!

  3. marilyn in millbrookThursday, January 14, 2010

    I trust Scott Brown too!! God bless him... praying my head off for him here in Bama!!! Go Brown!
