Friday, January 15, 2010

Scott Brown Fans ...we got a winner!

Don't know if I'm the first to make the prediction but we got a winner here! Even when the opposition cheats the guy is a winner! And now the sorry losers are even admitting their cheating ways! Go get 'em Scott! ~ Norman E. Hooben

Source for first story: Washington Times

Boston paper:
Dem operative admits to cheating on Brown '04 state Senate race

In 2004, Brown won a special election to become state senator, despite the state Democrats scheduling the election to coincide with the Presidential primary, when Democrats would be flocking to vote for John Kerry. (As one Democratic operative recently put it to me: "We cheated, and he still beat us.") Brown then won a re-match in November, on the same ballot as Kerry vs. Bush.

There were at least four contributing factors to Brown's victories in 2004. 1) Brown is an outstanding campaigner (a fact the Democrats seem to have forgotten until about a week ago). 2) Brown, a state representative at the time, had a strong voter base compared to his opponent, who did not hold an elected office. 3) That Democrat, Angus McQuilken -- although one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet -- as a candidate is about as inspiring as a low-fat Twinkie. 4) That was the year that Massachusetts allowed men to dress up in tuxedos, put rings on each others' fingers, and smooch.

It should be noted that The Phoenix is indeed a liberal outlet. The paper, in fact, endorsed Ms. Coakley on Wednesday, so this article goes to show just how demoralized Coakley supporters have become.

The Brown campaign is looking for history to repeat itself in the election on January 19, and so far, the players involved have done a remarkable job mimicking the 2004 special election. Notice how the state Democrats may have used their power in controlling the scheduling of the election to give them the best advantage. While 2004 may have worked out in the end for Mr. Brown, does he presently have the perseverence and prudent strategy to deal with any possible post-election shenanigans?


We Got Ourselves A Winner!
Source for second story: Patriotic Nurse
Scott Brown Keeping America Safe
Posted by ericatwitts
Scott Brown is strong on national defense, taking a strong stance against trying the terrorist that are trying to attack our country in our Federal Courts. He is our chance to stop Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi in passing the Obama-Care that so many of Americans oppose. We are coming down to the wire and time is running short. Brown has raised more than 1 million dollars in one day! Help him keep the momentum going by donating here. Join the Veterans and support Brown to be our 41st vote!


  1. I read that the State FOP is for Brown...Oblahblah is NOW going to Messachusstes and Based on his recent Failures in NJ and VA.. This might be THree For THree in DEFEAT! HUTTAH!

  2. The word going around here in "The People's Republic of Massachusetts" is, if Scott Brown wins the election Galvin is going to do everything in his power to hold up the swearing in ceremonies. "Democrooks" are good at being sneaky and underhanded in playing their dirty tricks. I understand that our "Imperial Lizard" from the White House is coming down to stump for Martha. She'd be better off if they sent Joe Biden up here. At least he's good for a few laughs. He wouldn't have to teach Martha how to gaff. She's already made two gaffs one being that "All the terrorists have gone from Afghanistan to Yemen and Pakistan", and spelling the word "Massachusetts" wrong in one of her campaign adds. She showed no concern for the reporter who was deliberately pushed over a railing by one of her thugs. The thug was in his face trying to intimidate him. The reporter asked Martha about attending a fund raiser that big Pharma threw for her in Washington DC, and he asked her about that foolish statement she made during the debate saying that "All the terrorist left Afghanistan." Of course she refused to answer his questions and that's when one of her thugs pushed him over a rail with the reporter's suit getting ripped in the process. I'm surprised that Obama hasn't sent some of his Chicago Acorn thugs up here. So Martha has received money from big Pharma and the SEIU. Sound familiar? I wonder which way she would vote on Obamacare if she got elected? Do you think that the Amiraults will vote for Martha? Of course, I'm being facetious. If anyone wants to know about Martha's true character, they should Google "Fells Acres Gerald "Tooky" Amirault, Scott Harshbarger", and of course, "Martha". If Martha loses this election it will be the best thing that ever happened in Massachusetts and also to the screw balls in Congress who are trying to give the American People a big screwing.
