Saturday, December 19, 2009

The 2008 Voters...are they about to find out what's going to hit them?

Click on image to enlarge.

1 comment:

  1. The Obamas, Pelosis and Reids have just sealed the death warrants of their political lives along with the minions who have followed them these last few months. Now is the time the silent majority is awakening. They have only seen the "little" giant that was the Tea Parties.

    The Eagle is the phoenix that is rising out of the ashes that has been the flames spouted fromt the media as they have fed lies and help perpetrate the lies of Washington. It will not be just the Democrats who will pay either. The media is dying and We The People will see the removal even of the RINOs as well for they are just as responsible as the liberals in the debacle of the Health Care Crap and the Crap and Trade, the bailout and stimulus bills that have been passed over the last 13 months...
