Sunday, November 22, 2009

Who Is Really Controlling Obama ???

Source: From my good friend Lt Col Dawson ...great commentary John! PS: I edited the photo.

Click on picture to enlarge.


  1. I have no clue who might be pulling the strings, and I won't spend time worrying about it. The electorate bought a pig in a poke, and when they reached into the bag, they got a hand full of maggots.

    Put the maggots back in the bag and stomp it.

  2. The answer to your question is Socialist billionaire, George Soros. It's plain and simple. He's the man who is pulling Obama's strings. Obama is nothing but a puppet for the radical Left in this country, and I believe that he is trying to ruin this country with his flawed policies. After he gets his Socialist universal health care in place and ruins our American dollar, our country as we know it, will cease to exist as a world power.

  3. The Big eraed Moron , in my way of thinking, is under MIND control from his days spent with Davis, Jeremiah, Ayers, Axelrod, after having been Brain damaged in Indinesia and from his sorry assed Communist Parents... Remember "The Manchrian Candidate" ????
    I belive that he knows that he is ONE TERM BARRY ( OTB) but he'
    ll try to do as much damage as possible in 4 yeras towards the destruction of our Constitutional Tepublic..... UNLESS WE GET OFF OUR ASSES!

  4. As I have said in previous comments about OBama, he is the prophet of a beast, which is "the men behind the curtain". His acts while in office have, for the most part, been legerdemain.

  5. Joe...

    And behind Soros is a hodgepodge of names all linked to the Rothchilds and Rockerfellers...

    and I would add Kissinger to that group for he was the architect of 'Global 2000'...remember, it's the politic elite who want to control the population...not only in power, but by the numbers! (You might want to investigate the Club of Rome)
