Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Save Our Children ...bring back the Puritans! - Boston Schools Ruin Innocent Minds

Government School Stupidity Rises To New Heights

I have a 4th grade son. If he came home with the homework assignment the Jamaica Plain mom above describes, I would be at the school looking for the opportunity to have a “hands on” parent-teacher conference.

Her daughter was given the homework assignment of drawing an ejaculating erect penis. In the 4th grade.

Watch the video for yourself, in particular the ONLY question the Democrats running this hearing had for her: “Were you given advance notification?”

That’s it? Public schools are ordering 4th grade girls to draw pencil porn for absolutely NO educational purpose whatsoever, and all Marty Walsh wants to know is if Mom got an email first?

I know some people immediately dismiss anything that comes from the MassResistance group who are working on this issue. All I can say is “Watch the video.”

This is a mom, talking about her little girl in the Boston Public School system. Everyone, even the most knee-jerk lefty, should agree that this is absolutely ridiculous.


  1. It is things like this that continually confirm in my mind the perversion of the NEA and other teachers' unions as well as the politicians who look to these perverts for guidance.

    The Department of Education is the biggest perveyor of mass education standards. It should be abolished and the conduct to be turned over to local governments where the community standards will be better supported.

  2. All I can say Norman is that I live in Massachusetts and I am absolutely ashamed of my state and the Secular Progressive Marxists who are in control of it. What we really in need Massachusetts is a large shake up and a clean sweep of these vermin, similar to what happened last night in the State of Virginia! I'm also happy about about the election results in New Jersey. Good riddance to Corzine! Let this be a message to Obama and his Washington DC extreme radical political hacks!
