Sunday, October 25, 2009

While I Was Out... I had a two-fer... And what are the odds of this?...And all's well that ends well!

Tuesday night I was feeling this pain in my lower left side and as it got worse I woke Debbie to take me to the local hospital. By the time that they had diagnosed that it was a kidney stone (I already knew that's what it was) it was well past midnight and into the next day...the 21st. Sometime after the pain was relieved they put me up in a bed to rest awhile. When I looked up on the status board in the room it gave the date and the nurse's name. I read it aloud, "Oct 21, 2009, nurse Angela" "Wow" I said, "that's my daughter's birthday and her name is Angela"
Then they transported me to another hospital where I was to have my surgery. I first had to meet the surgeon who introduced himself to me as, "Mark ----" "Wow", I said, "that's my son's name, Mark!"
Then they admitted me to a hospital room and when I looked up on the status board the name stood out as if by manifest destiny..."nurse Terri " "Wow!" I said, "That's my oldest daughter's name, Terri."
So there you have it. I had a very successful surgery because all my children Terri, Mark, and Angela took care of me. Now what are the odds of that happening?
Well let's go back to my visit with the surgeon. Having already read the x-rays from the previous hospital. Doctor Mark opened his remarks with, "How's that gall stone doing?" "Gall stone!", I said, "No, it's a kidney stone!" The good doctor eagerly pointed to the x-ray and sure enough, there it was! Right smack in the middle of the gall bladder! Wow! So now I've got two what do we do? Well we just happen to have a gall stone remover on duty so today we get a two-fer... that's two stones removed for the price of one admission...but I don't really want to see the bill!
Now the surgery is complete and the surgeon leaves the operating room with me in the hands of the nurses and technicians. I'm completely unaware of what is going on around me but I begin to come to from the anesthesia. My eyes are still shut but I can hear voices, especially that one voice that is accompanied by tears and saying things indicative of almost losing her patient. That's me! I'm the patient! What have they done? Well I'm too groggy to say anything but I do open my eyes just in time to see the last tear drop fall... I'm OK and all is well that ends well. ~ Storm'n Norm'n
ps: my children are in California, Nevada, and Texas and I'm in Alabama


  1. glad you are feeling better... we have been worried about you....


  2. Rightwing CowboyMonday, October 26, 2009

    Ya gotta have yer wife do a thing ta let us ol' cowpokes know ya done gone under the knife. Worried yesterday that there were no smoke signals comin' outa yer campsite, partner.

    Take care an' git better.

  3. Hi Norm, Glad you're OK! What a coincidence to have Terri, Mark and Angela by your side. Best wishes for a complete & speedy recovery. Your Friends, Ron & Darlyne

  4. hey glad all is well. good fight ability. see ya again soon

    Bruce SoaringEagle

  5. Thanks to all who wrote here and with emails...

    It's comforting to know that I have so many good friends with so many kind words. Then I got so many emails from strangers that I can no-longer call strangers for the kindness that comes across is truely from a friend. God Bless All Of You

  6. Hi Norman!
    Dolores and I wish you a speedy recovery. It's a good thing that you had your operation before Obamacare went through. Hee Hee! Take care and I'll talk to you soon.

    Joe Alves

  7. Thanks Dolores and Joe

    Just about recovered...had one of them new fangled micro-surgeries...just a few little poke holes covered up with some kind of surgical tape that looks just like scotch tape... got my final doctor's check up tomorrow and will be headed to Washington DC right after that...
    When I get back fro DC we'll be headed to Cape Cod...

    see ya when we get there!

