Friday, October 16, 2009

When is he going to celebrate something Christian?

Linda says, "Obama ignored National Day of Prayer , but sent out 5 mintue blessing to Muslims Then he held a dinner for Muslims in celebration of Ramadan on Sept 2nd. Next he dissed the Dalai Lama. Now he celebrates Dawali. When is he going to celebrate something Christian, or was his 20 yrs in Wright's church just a ruse to look good to the local black community who have raised him up from the day he got to Chicago? You know I don't so much have an objection to him honoring other religions , because we are a diverse country.. BUT it does bother me that, he is crapping all over Christians and favoring and bowing to others, while doing it. And to top that off (so far) , the administration raised the Communist Chinese flag behind the White House to celebrate their years as a communist country!!!!!!!! These are just a few of the indicators of what I think this president isn't and very much so, wat he IS!! "

Obama seeks light and knowledge from Diwali

By Chidanand Rajghatta, Times of India

Obama celebrates Hindi holiday in White House

In an expansive gesture to Indians worldwide as much as to showcase his – and America’s — multi-cultural affections, US President Barack Obama on Wednesday lit a ceremonial Diwali lamp at the White House to ‘’symbolize victory of light over darkness.”

Although it was the Bush White House that began celebrating Diwali, the Indian festival of lights, in 2003, Obama became the first President to personally grace the ceremony — a brief affair that began with a rather incongruous performance by the well-regarded Hindi a-capella group Penn Masala, and ended with a Sanskrit invocation by a priest from the local Siva-Vishnu temple.

”This coming Saturday, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and some Buddhists, here in America and around the world, will celebrate this holiday by lighting Diyas, or lamps, which symbolize the victory of light over darkness, and knowledge over ignorance,” Obama said on the occasion, adding, ”And while this is a time of rejoicing, it’s also a time for reflection, when we remember those who are less fortunate and renew our commitment to reach out to those in need.”

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Comments (16)

Sammy · 17 hours ago
More idiocy.
When will it end?
Are we going to have to see the Chosen One on a prayer rug with his head touching the ground before we believe?
active 2 hours ago
Bart's avatar

Bart · 2 hours ago

No, we won't see him on a prayer rug praying....he'll be flying his rug in a magic carpet ride.
Linda's avatar

Linda · 17 hours ago

Obama ignored National Day of Prayer , but sent out 5 mintue blessing to Muslims
Then he held a dinner for Muslims in celebration of Ramadan on Sept 2nd.
Next he dissed the Dalai Lama
Now he celebrates Dawali.
When is he going to celebrate something Christian, or was his 20 yrs in Wright's church just a ruse to look good to the local black community who have raised him up from the day he got to Chicago?

You know I don't so much have an objection to him honoring other religions , because we are a diverse country.. BUT it does bother me that, he is crapping all over Christians and favoring and bowing to others, while doing it.

And to top that off (so far) , the administration raised the Communist Chinese flag behind the White House to celebrate their years as a communist country!!!!!!!!

These are just a few of the indicators of what I thin kthis president isn't and very much so, wat he IS!!
1 reply · active 2 hours ago
GOOGLE: "The Sworn Affidavit of Bishop Ron McRae" and read it. Especially note the part that states that MUSLIMS do NOT have to give up their beliefs or faith to be members of Jeremiah Wright's "Christian" church. Once you read the whole affidavit you'll get an idea of just WHO and WHAT the illegal Kenyan Muslim Marxist Racist Usurping Squatter is in OUR White House!
So you thought you knew this muslim President of ours. HA!!! He is much, much more radical Then you Liberals ever could have imagined!!
Obama has broken all Christian values of this Country, how many more is he going to brake before he is impeached.
What a pitiful child we have elected to be the leader of the free world. Ah, well, this too shall pass.
1 reply · active 3 hours ago
It shall ONLY pass when we force it.
and hopefully out of this will come another Ronald Reagan!
Icepick Don P.'s avatar

Icepick Don P. · 4 hours ago

I respect the OFFICE of the President of the United States but I will not show one ounce of respect for this muslim idiot.. The muslim movement is an evil force set out to kill and destroy and I cannot understand how the people that gather around the President can smile, laugh and rejoice while our country is being torn apart.. He and the other muslim-loving idiots that he has elected sure have hood-winked many AMERICANS into thinking he is THE Savior.
It is a shame to see how bad things are at home. We dont help our own people we give to the entire world. I am working in Saudi due to not being able to provide for my family as a firefighter/paramedic working 2 jobs and now rumors are out that taxes are changing for us that are working abroad. Come on I left my family and friends to come to the unknown and I am still being pentalized. Where are we headed as a country. Obviously, not to better the system.
Amen Ronaldo......Impeachment is the only path we should follow now.....we MUST MUST MUST remove that Muslim extremist from our White House.....he has no right to be there. We must ban together and bring others in that don't yet know about and the petition to have 'it' removed from office before he ruins this country.
It's not only Obama that needs to be removed. Most of the Democrats who have slid in behind him without even looking at what he stands for need to be "impeached" also.... and I'll include Ms Snowe in that assessment. If Obama wants to "court" her for her opinion, he can do it from the street where he can do no further harm. Action, not inaction, and moving forward to re-energize the support for our DEMOCRACY. We do NOT bow..... the tens of thousands of our soldiers who died for nearly every continent gave us the right to be "arrogant", if that's what we are.... but our "leader" has no right to be the one to call us that.
and THE ONE shall deceive even the SAINTS in the last days! COME ON PATRIOTS IF WE HAVE TO GO LETS GO KICKING AND SCREAMING-oldgeezer
GOOGLE: "The Sworn Affidavit of Bishop Ron McRae" and read it. Especially note the part that states that MUSLIMS do NOT have to give up their beliefs or faith to be members of Jeremiah Wright's "Christian" church. Once you read the whole affidavit you'll get an idea of just WHO and WHAT the illegal Kenyan Muslim Marxist Racist Usurping Squatter is in OUR White House!


  1. There is one very simple solution that works in most other western countries,keep religion out of politics altogether.No matter what religion it is.Let religion be peoples´ private matter.

  2. Ref: Anonymous...
    Sorry to inform you about your simple solution...your thinking is backwards! All governments were formed as a result of group of people with an underlying religious philosophy that kept the group unified. When those basic principles were lost or overwhelmed by another then the government was disolved or ceased to be...and that is what is happening in America today. America was founded upon Christian principles (no one can deny this point...if you do, then you do not know your history), it was those principles that made America great and now that the anti-Christians are in power America is disolving as we speak. Obama and his so-called Muslim religion is making an attempt to destroy one can deny this point, if you do, you do not know Obama! Wake up!
