Thursday, October 8, 2009

UNCRC - Another reason to give the United Nations the your senator today!

from the comment section...

"You can say what you want but, the Founding Fathers never intended for us to be dictated to by a foreign and unaccountable power. ..."

"I just want the U.S. Government to do what the U.S. Constitution says it can do,and the United Nations to get out of America ! "


  1. This is not true, what you have said. The UNCRC gives CHILDREN the protection they need from abusive and unruly parents, with the government only intervvening when truely necessary. The children themselves have a right to chose what religion they want to follow, as schools no longer impose what they think, allowing the freedom of choice. Nothing can stop parents from bringing up their children how they want to, but this treaty allows children the right to think for themselves and not be prejudice against others. Surely this is a good thing?! If all but two countries in the UN have ratified the treaty then they all must believe it to be a good thing, and as a result are putting their children first. It is only America that is so blinkered in its ideology. By the way, the Netherlands may have the lowest age of concent when it comes to sex but it also has the least teenage pregnancies in the world, and the least STD's spread because the children are aware of the problems sex can cause from a young age. Because of their more relaxed attitude towards drugs and alchohol the youngsters are less inclined to take part in them because they are not 'cool' - children are not rebelling should they decide to do them, so they have less appeal. Open your eyes!

  2. Ref: "It is only America that is so blinkered in its ideology."

    It's called FREEDOM! ...only in America!

    The UN is the most corrupt organization ever devised by man! I, as an American, do not believe that any government should control it's people...American ideology is that the people control the government...when this system fails all freedoms are lost...but watch out for those patriots, for they are not afraid of revolution to preserve those freedoms!
