Saturday, October 17, 2009

Obama The Jew Hater Strikes Again - Obama National Security Adviser to Speak at Anti-Israel Conference

Source: Atlas Shrugs

How many times have I said it? Obama Hates Jews! Here, Here, and Here just for starters. And here we have more of the same contempt for Jews only this is now official business! ~ NEH

Related story: Official: Obama 'disgusted' with Israel


Obama National Security Adviser to Speak at Anti-Israel Conference

It goes from bad to worse. Obama is sanctioning the fetid J street. In no other era would this radical group of Jew hating sell outs be anything but fringe.

So whats Obama's plan here? That's easy: to destroy Israel with the imprimatur of a faux "Jewish" group funded by the black hand of Soros. I wouldn't further sully the term "kapo" for these quislings. Kapos had no choice. There were no good choices for Jews in Nazi Germany. But here? Now? Collaborators to jihad in the most welcoming and benevolent country for Jews in the history of man (save for Israel). J street Jews involved in this perverse and degenerate effort to dismantle, destroy Israel should be forever banned from the Jewish homeland. We can't excommunicate, but we can do that, at the very least.

Where is Jewish leadership in this country? Playing with their shmeckles, that's where. Where is our Jabotinsky, Meir, Begin, Bergson? How many millions did Jewish Americans donate to the major Jewish organizations in this country to watch them turn a blind eye to the Jewish genocidal threats we face or soft pedal Islamic anti-semitism? It is criminal in light of what we have suffered. The Jewish orgs should be on the forefront of emerging threats, not making excuses or apologizing for jihad.

J Street was inevitable. When groups like AIPAC refused to take a political stand, it was only a matter of time that a leftist J group with anti-semitic ideologies would emerge.

Back in May of '08, a reader invited me to the AIPAC Wall Street dinner at Cipriani. Very chi chi. I went up to the Executive Director, Howard Kohr, and said I understand AIPAC is "non-partisan, but Obama will be lethal for the Jews". Kohr scoffed. I went on to relate all that I had unearthed in my two years of relentless investigation of Obama and I laid it out, point by point, fact by fact, with as little hyperbole as I could contain. Kohr shook his head. He would have none of it. We are non-partisan, he insisted. To what point are you non-partisan? If there is a candidate, a party, an official that is a Jew hater, do you maintain neutrality, like Switzerland? He just smiled and walked away.

Obama National Security Adviser to Speak at Anti-Israel Conference James Jones, President Obama's National Security Advisor, has agreed to be the keynote speaker at the anti-Israel group J Street's first annual conference in Washington next week. While the group bills itself as the "pro Israel" and "pro peace" alternative to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, in reality it is a liberal organization actively campaigning against Israel's right to defend itself. As Michael Goldfarb has noted, other speakers at the conference include Eli Pariser, the former director of, and Salam Al-Marayati, who was quoted in the New York Times in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks saying Israel should be considered a prime suspect:

''If we're going to look at suspects, we should look to the groups that benefit the most from these kinds of incidents, and I think we should put the state of Israel on the suspect list because I think this diverts attention from what's happening in the Palestinian territories so that they can go on with their aggression and occupation and apartheid policies.''

The announcement that Jones will speak comes as a growing number of Democratic members of Congress have announced they would drop out of participating in the conference, causing J Street to blame the Weekly Standard for employing a "classic 'swift boat' move" by publishing actual statements made by participants in the conference.
With each passing day, the outright contempt the Obama administration has for Israel becomes more apparent.

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