Monday, October 19, 2009

Obama is our new jesus ...apparently he thinks he is!

This is so offensive to all of Cristianity the only reason I'm posting this story is to help expose the anti-Christ Obama for what he really is...the devil in disguise is too good a title. Barack Husein Obama certainly has known about this and did nothing to remove it from his website Organizing For America in which he has control. The information provided below (with link provided to full story) should be ample enough for his entire audience to shout out, "Liar !" the next time he even so much as says a word that he is a Christian. ~ Norman E. Hooben
ps: I couldn't find it in me to capitalize the "J" in the title ...sort of the same reason I don't capitalize the "g" in false gods.
"President Obama is the son of Kings and Queens who ruled over the greatest civilizations in human history. The world waited a long time for the arrival of Obama. We did not always know what his name would be or what he would look like but we knew a son of Africa would return to restore light to the world."

This has been up on O's site for a year. There are no accidents, ladies and gents.

The world propaganda photoshop is from "Obama's adviser's" blog.

Thousands of years ago a remarkable African man traveled from present-day Ethiopia to the Middle East. His name was Jesus and he carried with him a message of justice and peace. By this time, most African peoples were aware of the white man from the cold north. The great Obama African cities in Egypt, Libya and Morocco had been ransacked and largely destroyed by these strange beings. And they continued to travel south into the heart of Africa leaving destruction behind them. A large area of northern Africa was being transformed from lush farmland into a desert. (It is known today as the Sahara Desert.) Jesus traveled north to where the white man came from with the hope he could stop their destructive ways.

But Jesus was killed. There were only a few whites who accepted Jesus and heard his message. And Jesus was killed simply because he was a black African man.

Now as Barack Obama prepares to cure America of its sickness and bring forth justice we wonder if it could happen again.

Obama is well protected, of course. He is guarded by the Secret Service but can they be trusted? They are techically part of the Bush regime and can we trust a group of mostly white men called the "Secret" Service?

Obama is also protected by NOI [Nation of Islam] guards and with them, I feel much safer. During my travels with Obama this year I have noted that they are always alert and ready to defend Obama with their lives. They share a bond with Obama that is not possible with the Secret Service.

This was advising the President of the United States?
Read entire post here


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  1. UNBELIEVABLE. This is really scary.

  2. UNBELIEVABLE. My email responses all say the same, "This is really scary."

  3. Hahaha, you just made my day. This is very funny. Obama is the new Jesus? Oh my, what's next? Palin is the new Einstein? People need to stop making up stuff and get real...

    Take care, Lorne

  4. To the one who laughs...will laugh last.

    Dont kill the messenger. Apparently you skipped over this line,"This has been up on O's site for a year. There are no accidents, ladies and gents."

    Not from my site, but Obama's site!
    Wake up!

  5. A Dip Stick... MAY be.. That's as High a mark as I can give the SUpreme ACORN...Oh I know the Global One wants to be jesus ... Mahmud...Mao.. etc but what he tries to really live up to is reputation as the ONE who climbed the Jackass tree and is now in full free fall hitting every branch on his way down HEAD FIRST! IOW A real DIP STICK!!!

  6. You simply fear the truth. President Obama is simply finishing what Jesus started: telling the truth and establishing economic and social justice where it is needed. Those who have reject the truth have no reason to fear Barack Obama. He is wise and just and he will follow the principals followed by his African forefathers. Barack Obama is the son of Kings and Queens who started human civilization thousands of years ago. Barack Obama remembers his heritage and his obligations to the Truth, Justice and the Future.

    Barack Obama understands what is wrong and what needs to be done. He has the intelligence and vision that has lasted for over a millennium. He was born with the appropriate ways of thinking, speaking, and acting and this will inspire you to be liberated for now there is no shackle which can keep you enslaved.

  7. Truth First...and so it goes, those that believe in the lie become the lie.

    We do know that Obama does not have a conscience therefor, anything that he does is always going to be right in his mind and those of his followers. His followers cannot even recognize those that Obama surrounds himself with cheats, decievers, crimminals, Marxists, and would be dictators.
    Obama was the perfect Saul Alinsky student...even more so than Bill Clinton anothe Alinsky-ite. If Obama understands what needs to be done then why is he going against the wishes of the people; only dictators do that. But like the old saying from the Communist Manifesto, "Listen to my lips while I do something different with my hands." Obama has done just this...sweet talk promises while stabbing the people in the back...but he does it with such finese!
    May the Good Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on your soul...I pray for you conversion to the Real Truth.
    Also, it would help if you did not think in color nor race... For
    I am not white, I'm not black, I'm not upper class, I'm not lower class, I'm not middle class, I'm not French, I'm not Irish, I'm not Asian, I'm not European, I'm not Hispanic, My children are not half Hispanic...They are and I am what I am, An American! And I'm not hyphenated!

    PS: God is all forgiving while Obama seeks some unfounded revenge and dictatorial rule.

    "Revenge is Mine." sayeth the Lord!

  8. Truth First...

    You might remember this one...

    After Barack Obama became an Illinois state legislator, his wife moved up as well, scoring a job as 'vice president of community relations' at the University Of Chicago Hospital for a very generous salary of $121,910. When Obama became a senator in 2005, her 'salary' leapfrogged to $$316,962 for the same job...and one of Senator Obama's first acts in office was to see to it that the hospital received over a million dollars of your tax dollars as an earmark.

    Well, Michelle has moved on,and guess what...that vital job of hers,worth a salary of over $300 K has been quietly eliminated.

    It's the Chicago Way, cushy no-show jobs in exchange for political patronage...fist bump.

    Of course, she had to work twice as hard to get half as far. She said so, so it must be true.

    But I wonder, is this so very different that what Rod Blagojevich was popped for? Except that Blagojevich got caught and embarrassed everybody?

    So I cut and pasted that from an earlier story...Do you deny that this happened? Deny it all you want, it will not change the facts... Obama and his wife are crooks!

  9. I am not interested in your fictions regarding President Obama. He is America's first legitimate and just leader and he will transform America into a nation based on economic and social justice. The truth is on his side.

  10. Fictions? Please don't kill the messenger.
    You cannot go through life trying to erase things as if they were on a chalk board. These things happen and if you choose to ignore them they'll one day turn on you when you least expect it. Learn, my friend, to be objective without any not let false hopes drag you to the bottom of the pits.
