Friday, October 2, 2009

Obama a Christian? What an insult! Folks just haven't been reading the Quran

...and why does he celebrate Ramaden? Because he hates Christians! Wake up people!

My Christian Faith? No Way! (he prepped himself good for that lie) - My Muslim was no slip of the tongue!

The ultimate anti Christian statement from the Muslim in Chief

All you people who think that the Muslim faith is a religion of peace just haven't been reading the Quran...folks haven't been reading the Quran....

Muslims want to kill you and take over the world...folks haven't been reading the Quran!

[---lslam's role in advancing justice, progress,. tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings]

[Nothing could be further from the truth. Reliance of the Traveller, Book O, Chapter 9, Paragraphs 8 &9 charge the Caliph with the duty of attacking Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians & Pagans at least once in every year. Those laws are based on Surahs At-Taubah & Al-Anfal of the Qur'an. Exactly how does that advance justice, tolerance & dignity?]

"His plan is evil!"

1 comment:

  1. OBAMA da Ditz ... MMM.. Obama the Idiot.. MMM.... Obama the Muslim YEAH YEAH YEAH... Obama The Mrxist OH YEAH YEAH YEAH... THe Total Narcisstic PIMP FOR SURE!!!
