Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Name Game...only it's not a game!

What's In A Name
Cross posted from Pedestrian Infidel

I recently went through the process of legally changing my name from a very Muslim name to a, well, Western/Christian name. There are many reasons that I changed my name. One of the reasons is that I don’t, in any way, want to be associated with Islam. I don’t know how many of you here know this but my family ‘claims’ to be direct descendants of Mohammed. Now, I think that’s a load of crap seeing that Mohammed didn’t have any sons (he had 3 sons born to him but all of them died in their infancy) but Muslims hold the status of being Mohammed’s descendants in very high regard. Anyway, because of that ‘claim’ my last name was very blatantly Arabic/Persian and very blatantly and unmistakably Muslim—it’s a last name that you are generally born with and are usually proud of. Well, I changed not only my last name but my whole name and made it so Western/Christian (and a little Jewish) that it resulted in a lot of eye-brows raised at the Pakistani consulate.

It was a very long process—the end result being: My name has officially and legally changed without me getting arrested! I don’t know about you but I see that as another victory for this infidel in particular and for all infidels in general. However, this is not the point that I am writing this article for. What I want to stress on is that one’s name is very important. It is seen as your identity. Your name is what people know you by. Without your name, you’re a mere ‘man’ or a ‘woman’ and nothing else. Now that my name’s changed to a Western/Christian one, whenever people meet me, their first reaction won’t be, “oh, you’re an ex-Muslim who converted to Christianity?! Attack!!!!” if they are wondering about my religious affiliation. It makes a huge difference.

Along the same lines, I recently read Geert Wilers’ speech in which he said that one of the most common boy names in Europe is “Mohammed”. It’s not surprising that so many boys are named Mohammed in Europe seeing the number of Muslim births and number of Muslims admitted into Europe is sky high. What’s surprising is that Mohammed is not even the most common boy name in the UAE or Pakistan or even Saudi Arabia. Muslims in these countries don’t usually name their children after the murdering bastard known as Mohammed, the prophet of Muslims. The most common names here are Ali or Hassan or Hussein or Ahmed. However, in Europe, by naming their children Mohammed, Muslims are reinforcing a point, “we are Muslims, we are here and there ain’t a thing you can do about it” and it also shows that they are NOT assimilating.

This brings us to a bigger point. When will America and the west realize that they are fighting “Islam” and not “rogue individuals who misunderstand Islam, the religion of peace”? Yes, we have to name the enemy and we have to name it out loud. Islam’s the enemy and Islam is what needs to be eradicated as a political and religious ideology. You can’t snipe one Muslim terrorist and think, “oh, yeah, one less to worry about!” because tomorrow another one’s going to take his place. There is an ideology out there that vows to stop at nothing short of dominating the world and forcing everyone to bow down to it—that ideology goes by the ‘name’ Islam. Unless we name our enemy and put that name on the board with a pin affixed in it to remind ourselves who our enemy is, we won’t win this war. Not only would we not win this war but we are going to lose this war and not even know who we lost it to.

I hope our leaders realize soon that we are at war and willingly fight it. I hope voters realize that this war needs to be fought and that soldiers that give up their lives are giving up those lives willingly (they signed up to be soldiers, to protect their country and its values NOT to be fed chow 3 times a day, sleep, wake up, exercise and do the whole routine every day of the year) and for a bigger purpose…

What scares me the most is that most of the people in the west are going to wake up one day and see an Islamic flag flying over their congress/parliament and then it will be too late to grow a pair!

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