Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Before Islam made them stupid..." Pakistani President Musharraf has said Islamic countries will remain backward unless they concentrate more on..."

Source: Plancks Constant

Number of Jews who have received the Nobel Prize

By Bernie on 09 Oct 2009

Since 1901 there were 106 years in which Nobel Prizes were awarded. At least one Jew has won in 73 of those years. That is, Jews have won in over 68% of all award years.

As of today, 800 individuals have been awarded a Nobel Prize (including the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science). Of those, 178 (of which 8 were Peace Prizes) went to Jews (22.25% of all recipients). If measured by percent of world population, less than 2 Jews should have been awarded any prizes. Similarly, by percent of world population, Arabs should have garnered 44 Nobel Prizes but only 5 (of which 3 were Peace Prizes) actually did.

Even more telling, by percent of world population, Muslims should have garnered 200 Nobel Prizes but only 8 (of which 5 were Peace Prizes) actually did.

Before Islam made them stupid, before Islam hobbled their minds, before Islam stifled their creativity, Arabs were inquisitive, smart, inventive, clever fellows who made great contributions to civilization. That is to say, they were just like their Semite cousins the Jews.

If I were an honest Muslim I would shamefacedly admit that the Islamic world is presently living in darkness. I would say to my fellow Muslims: "Today we are the poorest, the most illiterate, the most backward, the most unhealthy, the most un-enlightened, the most deprived, and the weakest of all the human race."

I know it sounds harsh, that to the American ear it sounds so stereotypical, so biased, so unfair, but before you attack me as a bigot or Islamophobe, let me admit to plagiarism; those were not really my words:

BBC News, Musharraf berates Muslim world

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has said Islamic countries will remain backward unless they concentrate more on scientific and technological development.


General Musharraf made his comments in an address to a conference of science and technology attended by ministers from Muslim countries.

President Musharraf said the time had come for Islamic nations to take part in collective self-criticism.

Once such an assessment is made, it would not be difficult to realise that the entire Islamic world was far behind the developed world, he argued.

'The most unhealthy'

The Muslim Ummah, or the Islamic world, he said was presently living in darkness.

"Today we are the poorest, the most illiterate, the most backward, the most unhealthy, the most un-enlightened, the most deprived, and the weakest of all the human race," he told the delegates.

Source: For the most comprehensive list of Arab and Jewish Nobel winners on the 'net, see my article Muslim Inventions - Nobel Prizes.

Disclaimer: Yes I know that Arabs were doing great things under Islamic rule, however, it took many years for Islam to actually start implementing all the stultifying facets of the religion that would ultimately paralyze all creativity and striving for learning. Unfortunately Muslims now believe that if it's not in the Quran it's not important and if it is in the Quran it is redundant.


  1. Dear all

    Discover the truth about Islam

    Thank you

  2. It really says a lot about a culture when they wear dirty diapers fer hats. Where is all of them there contributions Islam has made to the world like the Kenyan goat herder was espousin' over in the middle east on his apology tour. If'n their contributions are so great how come everytime the earth shakes their houses go and fall down. If'n their contributions are so great, how come they have to send their people overseas to get an education. If their contributions are so great, how come they don't have the proper health care an' have to come to the US or Europe to get treated.

    Yep, it's Islam an' them Islam preachers who have made them stupid.

    By the way, is that what we have to look forward to with the Kenyan goat herder settin' in the White House. Ya know, it gonna take some fumigation to get that goat smell outa the People's house when that fella leaves.

  3. A belated thank you for linking to my article, it's appreciated.
