Saturday, June 27, 2009

Standing tall...just to be free.


  1. Kudo's to the young lady.

    I wonder if they let her family bury her in accord with their religion?

    Gotta admit, that took some cajones, that seem to be missing from America today.

  2. Rightwing CowboySaturday, June 27, 2009

    And we have a bunch of jelly spined whiners in our local, state and federal governments who are afraid to stand up to words from the likes of the White House, Pelosi, and Reid.
    Who will stand with them. And do you see one lone young child standing against a pair of armed Iranian terrorists.

  3. Pretty pathetic when you see the child standing up to the goon squad and we have a Congress that is nothing but a bunch of yellow bellied cowards who side with the goons.
