Wednesday, March 4, 2009

You're sorry! Heck, I was sorry you didn't listen to me two years ago! Some people need a rude awakening!

From DirectorBlue

"We're Sorry" -- Obama voters express their regrets...

The drones Obama voters have begun sending me photos expressing their sorrow in voting for the Won.

I'll post them all when I have a chance.

Update: Michelle Malkin suggested that David Brooks might want to join the apologetic crew. Sure enough, Junior Cub Reporter Biff Spackle snapped this photo of Brooks confirming his buyer's remorse.

And if you've got some that you'd like me to publish, just fire me an email.

Update II: As for the drones Obama supporters writing to insist we "give him a chance", I suggest you read the copiously illustrated Wisdom of Crowds and Obanomics.

And for those still attempting to pin the market meltdown on various Republicans, I proudly present The Scariest Chart Ever.

Go ahead and read 'em. I'll wait.

Update III: Chuck C. got Brooks to pose in his business attire.

Update IV: Paul B. located a couple of other shots.

Update V: Christopher E. snapped this exclusive shot:

Update VI: Carl S. sends us a divine picture.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that these people are sorry, but that doesn't make me feel any better. I never voted for Obama, but thanks to these sorry fools, savvy folks like myself have to suffer for it too!
