Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We Just Lost The Country To A Bunch Of Bums ...and a crooked judge!

Judge rules Ohio homeless voters may list park benches as addresses
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 1:32 PM

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - A federal judge in Ohio has ruled that counties must allow homeless voters to list park benches and other locations that aren't buildings as their addresses.

U.S. District Judge Edmund Sargus also ruled that provisional ballots can't be invalidated because of poll worker errors.

Monday's ruling resolved the final two pieces of a settlement between the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless and Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner.

The coalition agreed to drop a constitutional challenge to Ohio's voter identification law until after the Nov. 4 election. In return, Brunner and the coalition agreed on procedures to verify provisional ballots across all Ohio counties.
The coalition was concerned that unequal treatment of provisional ballots would disenfranchise some voters.

To: Chief Judge Sandra S. Beckwith

Subject: Over Rule or Impeachment

You must show cause why U.S. District Judge Edmund Sargus, is not over ruled or more importantly, impeached for unsound judgement.

____Note: If all you people have not figured out where over ninety percent of our country's problem lie...your not doing you homework! IT'S THE LEFT WING LIBERALS...WAKE UP!

As I've stated in the past, The Democratic Party must be abolished...along with twenty percent of the Republican Party...or kiss you country goodbye!

And here's just a reminder:

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