Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tyranny That Will Lead Us To War ...CIVIL WAR !

Guess who has taken your rights away? Guess who does not have to obey the law?
More questions below commentary...with the correct answer!

Court Rules Citizens Do NOT Have Standing to Sue to Enforce the Constitution

Note from Norm: Hey! Did you read that headline? "Ya better read it again!"

In a disturbing case with ominous implications for our democratic rights, U.S. Judge R. Barclay Surrick granted a motion by Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee to dismiss a challenge to Obama's constitutional qualifications to run for President on grounds that a mere citizen does not have legal standing to sue.

Philip Berg, a Democrat and former Assistant Attorney General for Pennsylvania, brought suit alleging that under the Natural Born Citizen Clause of the U.S. Constitution, Obama is ineligible to be President.

Judge Surrick states that citizens may not sue to enforce the Constitution without statutory authorization from Congress.

That concept would result in tyranny.

In American Thinker, Mark Fitzgibbons writes a legal critique of Judge Surrick's ruling at


Who thought she would not get caught?

Who are all these people? The not so surprising answer is, "They are all Liberals." and they are all destroying your country.

Next question...

Would it not be better to destroy a PARTY than destroy a COUNTRY ?

It's your turn to answer!


  1. What a sad phony. My blog is written for discussion among like-minded realthinkers, not for troglodites like yourself.

    Your boy Bush and your daddy Reagan are responsible for more misery in this country and in the world than any liberal ever could be. Go back to your cave.

    I will not venture here again if you will do likewise regarding my blog space.

    Thank you.

  2. Yar
    In all Undiluted and Complete Honesty.. You are afreaking IDIOT deserving at least a cabinet Post in the Benitobama Cabinet fort the Insane Communists you Moron!!!!
    Which School for the mentally deficients have you gotten your Degree in Lunacy??
