Sunday, October 26, 2008

TRAITORS...they walk amongst us!

Bill Galvin Gets An Early Start On The "Fairness Doctrine"by Michael Graham
October 24, 2008

The hot topic on my 9am-noon talk show here in Boston today was word that our Secretary of State, Bill Galvin, has been ignoring federal law designed to protect the voting rights of uniformed military personnel deployed to Iraq and elsewhere.

Secretary of State William Galvin has time to
hand voter registration forms to passerby at a Jamaica Plain 7-Eleven a few days ago.
But he can't be bothered to track ballots for MA soldiers or airmen until forced to by the Department of Justice.

As I pointed out in a previous blog, Secretary Galvin acknowledged in the consent decree with the feds that he hasn't been tracking ballots to our soldiers and marines as required. How many Massachusetts military members asked for ballots and didn't get them? How many sent ballots that arrived too late, or were disqualified on a technicality?

We don't know because, unlike in most other states, the election official responsible for finding out--Bill Galvin--disregarded federal law. Not to mention our troops.

So before today's show, my producer called and emailed Secretary Galvin, inviting him to tell his side of the story. "He's too busy and will not have time to come on," Galvin's spokesflak said. But after the show started, and Galvin began hearing from angry military family members, he suddenly found time to call the show.

Not for a conversation, but for a threat. Secretary of State Bill Galvin's spokesflak called my producer while I was on the air to complain about the content of my show. Then we were informed that the Secretary was filing a complaint against me with the Federal Communications Commission because he didn't like what I was saying. Galvin was apparently hoping that such a threat to my livelihood would shut me up.

This posting shows how well that worked.

How can a politician who doesn't have the guts to pick up the phone and call me complain to the FCC about the content of my show? Galvin was welcome at any time to be part of our conversation. Instead, he went to the government to try and end the conversation altogether.

That's today. Now, imagine this same story six months from now with President Obama in the White House, Nancy Pelosi overseeing a supermajority in the House and the latest version of the "Fairness Doctrine" working its way through the liberal-dominated Congress. With President Obama's Department of Justice investigating political speech as possibly criminal--as the Obama campaign has asked the DOJ to do three times already.

Think this will have a chilling effect on talk radio? Think some hosts, program directors and/or station owners might think twice about publicly criticizing liberals in power?

Liberal pol Bill Galvin went to the Feds about me today for accurately reporting his actions. Imagine what they'll try to do to talk radio tomorrow.

The hot topic on my 9am-noon talk show here in Boston today was word that our Secretary of State, Bill Galvin, has been ignoring federal law designed to protect the voting rights of uniformed military personnel deployed to Iraq and elsewhere.

As I pointed out in a previous blog, Secretary Galvin acknowledged in the consent decree with the feds that he hasn't been tracking ballots to our soldiers and marines as required. How many Massachusetts military members asked for ballots and didn't get them? How many sent ballots that arrived too late, or were disqualified on a technicality?

We don't know because, unlike in most other states, the election official responsible for finding out--Bill Galvin--disregarded federal law. Not to mention our troops.

So before today's show, my producer called and emailed Secretary Galvin, inviting him to tell his side of the story. "He's too busy and will not have time to come on," Galvin's spokesflak said. But after the show started, and Galvin began hearing from angry military family members, he suddenly found time to call the show.

Not for a conversation, but for a threat. Secretary of State Bill Galvin's spokesflak called my producer while I was on the air to complain about the content of my show. Then we were informed that the Secretary was filing a complaint against me with the Federal Communications Commission because he didn't like what I was saying. Galvin was apparently hoping that such a threat to my livelihood would shut me up.

This posting shows how well that worked.

How can a politician who doesn't have the guts to pick up the phone and call me complain to the FCC about the content of my show? Galvin was welcome at any time to be part of our conversation. Instead, he went to the government to try and end the conversation altogether.

That's today. Now, imagine this same story six months from now with President Obama in the White House, Nancy Pelosi overseeing a super majority in the House and the latest version of the "Fairness Doctrine" working its way through the liberal-dominated Congress. With President Obama's Department of Justice investigating political speech as possibly criminal--as the Obama campaign has asked the DOJ to do three times already.

Think this will have a chilling effect on talk radio? Think some hosts, program directors and/or station owners might think twice about publicly criticizing liberals in power?

Liberal pol Bill Galvin went to the Feds about me today for accurately reporting his actions. Imagine what they'll try to do to talk radio tomorrow.

(Note: montage by N. Hooben)


UpDate 29 October 2008: Now that I got your attention...

Domain Name ? (U.S.)
IP Address 146.243.4.# (Commonwealth of Massachusetts)
ISP Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Time of Visit Oct 29 2008 8:52:24 am

Domain Name ? (U.S.)
IP Address 146.243.4.# (Commonwealth of Massachusetts)
ISP Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Time of Visit
Oct 29 2008 2:37:19 pm

When are you going to skip the country like your friend Benedict?


  1. Now Norm.. Be polite and make sure that the Door does not his his Brains as it Leaves...CRP recipient ya Know!!!

  2. Thnaks redhawk...

    I'm really not a mean guy...but!

    But if he were brought to trial I would have brought the rope!

  3. Thanks rg

    Do these fools know that what they are doing is creating all the elements of a civil uprising? It's absolutely insane!

    Do these fools know that they are declaring themselves the enemy of the people? The American people are...well just let me quote
    Admiral Isoruku Yamamoto,
    "I'm afraid we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled it with terrible resolve,"

    You think the war between the states was have not seen nothing yet! The war between two ideologies will destroy us all and... and Allah will be happy, "Let it go up in smoke, provided Islam emerges triumphant in the world." so said, Ayatollah Khomeini!
