Thursday, October 30, 2008

This Is Your Last Election - America is Finished...almost (but the mortician is standing by)

" The Assembly will appoint...! "

(Assembly = The United Nations)


Also in the works...

The previously announced time frame is

the year



Other Factions

Operating in secret, SPP working groups are efficiently laying the groundwork for the destruction of the United States of America as an independent, sovereign nation. Once the North American Union is in place, we will then have to compromise our very unique nation of protected freedoms with the socialist nations of Mexico and Canada, where property rights, justice, economics and natural rights are not necessarily recognized. Government decides.

"The SPP is an invasion of our culture and our economy. It’s about the redistribution of American wealth and industry. It will represent the end of over 250 years of an historic experiment in freedom – unless Americans across the nation say no – now."


There Is No UNITED States!

Posted By J.D. Longstreet On October 30, 2008 @ 11:05 am

There is a thread of fear running through the right side of the political spectrum in America. It is so real you can taste it. You can see it in the eyes of conservatives. You can hear it in their voices and you can even physically hear it when it is whispered into your ear. I will quickly add… it is fear mixed with resignation. Conservatives speak of it only in whispers. The left doesn’t speak of it at all because they are completely clueless about it.

Our fellow Americans, (on the left side of the American political spectrum) have mistakenly read the Right’s current state of mind as “fear of losing the election.” They could not be more wrong. It is not fear of losing the election. It is, however, fear of losing our country and the growing resignation that It is already too late to stop the sprint toward an inevitable conflict between citizens of what used to be the greatest country on the planet.

Yes, this IS a horrible thing to contemplate. Our forefathers in 1776 didn’t want it. Our ancestors in 1861 didn’t want it and we don’t want it. Nevertheless, the threat is there, standing just out of the light… but… just barely inside the shadows of our consciousness. The threat is visible to those who WANT to see it. The old expression “There are none so blind as those who will not see.” certainly applies to any who will not see that America is headed toward an internal conflict unlike anything this nation has seen since the 19th century.

For decades now a wedge has been driven deeper and deeper through the heart of what was a United America. We are no longer united. The UNITED states do not exist… except in poetry, verse, song, creeds, pledges, and in the imagination of those people who inhabit a “dream world” far above the plain upon which you and I dwell.

In reality, Americans are split asunder… cleft in twain by the cleaver of socialism. The election of a socialist President will complete the great divide of America and render us truly TWO nations. No hope for unity will exist. We will be constantly at each other’s throats, constantly in over-heated debate scratching and clawing at each other until the inevitable happens.

I’m over reacting… right? You’d better hope so! Just to reassure yourselves that I am a nut, check your encyclopedia for the history of this nation from about 1820 through 1865… then tell me you do not see the parallels. You see, for those of us who have paid more than passing attention to the actual history of this country, what is happening today in America is akin to the replay of a very old movie. A story that does not have a happy ending, but instead, flashes, “to be continued” at the end of the last reel.

If you have been harboring thoughts that the American Left and the American Right will ever be able to reconcile and become one vast, single, goal-oriented electorate, allow me to disabuse you of that hallucinatory conception. No, the two are so totally different in their philosophies of life and politics… and even religion, that there is absolutely no hope of ever putting aside those differences and “coming together”. It just isn’t going to happen. The divide grows wider every day.

There was a time when I felt that I would not live to see the next civil war in America but I must say that at the speed comity is dissolving in American I may yet live to see the opening volleys.

The question is… how much longer will the Right restrain itself? The socialist government, we are likely to have after the election, may snap the leash.

The Right’s patience is nearly spent. This very election could well be the last election held under the false claim implied by the current name of the country, “The United States of America.” We are decidedly split into two camps. The socialists are on the left, and on the right, those who want to preserve democracy. The line has been drawn.

Let’s face it: The Left covets a socialist regime in America and they will stop at nothing, as we now know, to get it. The right wants to save the country and the constitution The Founders of this country gave us. To the left, the constitution is simply an impediment. It is in their way and they are forever looking for ways around it. Their henchmen on the Supreme Court find all sorts of things in the constitution that aren’t there. They claim it is a “living document” which it isn’t. The Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the constitution, was intended to restrain the federal government’s power. Unrestrained government is, for all intents and purposes, the creed of the political Left. Many on the Right fear that in the event of a future national emergency a leftists/socialist government might find it “necessary” to suspend the constitution and, possibly, national elections. There goes democracy.

I voted earlier this week. I voted for a true conservative for President. If this is to be the last election I take part in I wanted to mark my ballot in support of the idea of a democratic representative republic, the kind of government our forefathers gave us. As I stood there, with the ballot in my hands, I had a choice between Karl Marx’s brand of government or that of Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison and the remainder of that cadre of men who put everything they had, including their very lives, on the line to create this government. I knew I could not sleep at night if I did not support the America for which so many Americans have laid down their lives since 1776.

Crunch time is coming. The Media is telling us that the sale of firearms is at an historical high in this country. I warned of this a few weeks ago. This election will decide if we stay free a few more years, or if we begin the descent into anarchy. I’m afraid it is too much to hope for “UNITED” any longer.

More short notes from my archives. - Norman E. Hooben:

"The Trilateral Commission stated that "The effective operation of a democratic political system usually requires some measure of apathy and noninvolvement on the part of some individuals and groups." "...secrecy and deception...are...inescapable attributes of...government." as it tried to "solve" the "crisis" caused by an "excess of democracy" in the 1960s."

The Commission actually states that "democracy is only one way of constituting authority....[and] in many situation the claims of expertise, seniority, experience, and special talents may override the claims of democracy as a way of constituting authority." The Commission concludes that the only way for democracy to work is to encourage apathy and withdrawal from politics by Americans. Only by limiting democratic participation and relying on politicians and experts, the Commission concludes, will democracy work. They even admit that "this marginality on the part of some groups is inherently undemocratic, but it has also been one of the factors which has enabled democracy to function effectively." This is precisely the kind of arrogance that has led the government to create a wall between itself and the American people. If government leaders don't trust the people to shape and control their government and society, we are not a democracy! And if the people don't believe that they can shape and control their government and society, then we're not a democracy!

Trends in American Society

1. Higher Divorce rates
2. Increased Pre-marital Sex
3. Fewer women having children
4. Increase in Couples living together
5. Increased Recognition of Homosexual lifestyle


North American Union Fact Sheet

Produced and Distributed by the American Policy Center



The effort is in its infancy, however the Bush Administration has been operating in secret for at least two years to establish what can only be described as a North American Union with Mexico and Canada, along the same lines as the European Union. If that happens it can only mean an eventual end to the U.S. Constitution as our ruling document, replaced instead with a new North American Government. That is what is happening in Europe today.

We believe it can and will eventually lead to the surrender of U.S. sovereignty, independence, and national borders. It will result in the establishment of a North American currency called the “Amero,” as the dollar is junked. The U.S. will provide the army for defense. Gone will be U.S. citizenship. Gone will be any kind of border control between the three nations of North America. Plans are well underway to establish a NAFTA Super Highway, to be the width of eight football fields. It will run from Mexico to Canada, running through the middle of the

United States. No direct inspections will be enforced as trucks from Mexico and Canada drive through this nation. Only electronic

scanning will be used on the trucks. Kansas City, MO has been tapped to serve as an “inland port” to handle imports and exports among the three nations.___

Operating quietly, Kansas City has already designated $2.5 million of its taxpayer’s money to establish the port. Now, the Mexican government is demanding that it have its own inspection site in Kansas City to inspect its own trucks. It also is demanding that the land its port will sit on will officially become Mexican sovereign territory.

The official effort began on March 23, 2005, after a summit, held in Waco, TX. It was attended by President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox, and (then) Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin. The three leaders announced the signing of an agreement to create common policies concerning various economic and security areas among the three nations.

For obvious cover of official deniability, the term “North American Union” is not being used. Instead, the

agreement officially authorized twenty tri-national “working groups” to establish the “Security and Prosperity Partnership” (SPP). The concept is being sold as simply a new framework within which the member nations can create free trade and security within the North American continent.

However, based on working documents, the intent to create the North American Union is impossible to hide. The trilateral agreement, signed as a joint declaration, has not been submitted to Congress for review. There is no congressional oversight.

Security and Prosperity

Partnership (SPP)

The joint statement on the SPP, issued on March, 23, 2005 described it as an initiative to: “…establish a common

approach to security to protect North America from external threats, prevent and respond to threats within North America, and further streamline the security and efficient movement of legitimate, low-risk traffic across our shared borders.” The working groups are now laying the foundation for a European Union-style integration of the North American continent.

The White House has established the SPP office in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) office in the U.S. Department of Commerce, where it has worked in virtual secrecy for two years. As the process proceeds, the SPP groups have not released public reports on their activities.

Over the past two years, at least 20 SPP working groups have produced a number of memorandums of understanding and tre-lateral declarations of agreement. These agreements cover a wide variety of issues including, energy, transportation, financial services (including loan and foreign aid policy), communications, technology, environmental policy, rules under whic businesses will operate, food and agriculture policy, health policy, e-commerce, aviation policy, border and immigration policy, and the means for multiple governmental agencies to interact. They may be viewed on the Internat at .

The Bush Administration has denied that the SPP is operating in secret. Yet it has not released the names of those in the working groups. Meanwhile, officials of the three nations quietly met in Alberta, Canada September

12 – 14, 2006. Former Secretary of State George Shultz was a joint chairman of the meeting with his counterparts from Mexico and Canada. Also in active attendance were Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield, Admiral Tim Keating, Commander of NORAD, and Robert Pastor, a key advocate of the creation of a North American Union. Discussions at the conference included “A Vision for North America,” “Toward a North American Energy Strategy, and “Demographic and Social Dimensions of

North American Integration.” It is also important to note that the Bush Administration has denied that the President ever signed an agreement with Canada and Mexico.

The Administration has established a “Myths and Facts” section to the Security and Prosperity Partnership web page in an attempt to counter arguments of those now exposing the SPP. The site blatantly says, “The SPP is a dialogue to increase security and enhance prosperity among the three countries. The SPP is not an agreement nor is it a treaty. In fact, no agreement was ever signed.” However,

according to a report on the SPP written by Former Canadian Prime Minster Paul Martin, one of the three heads of state involved in the March 23, 2005 meeting with Bush and Fox, writes “Thus, on March 23, President Bush, President Fox and I signed the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America…” The full report by Mr. Martin may be read on the Internet at .

Why is the Bush Administration lying about this fact? The obvious answer is because they are doing this without congressional approval and it is therefore illegal.

January 2007

Council on Foreign

Relations Blue Print

Many SPP working groups appear to be driving toward achieving specific objectives as defined by a May, 2005 Council on Foreign Relations(CFR) task force report, which presented a blueprint for expanding the SPP agreement into a North American Union that would merge the U.S., Canada and Mexico into a new governmental form.

The CFR report is entitled “Building a North American Community,” and is essentially a five year plan for implementing the North American Union. It may be viewed at the CFR Internet web sight at

A member of the CFR taskforce, Dr. Robert Pastor, wrote a book, published in 2001, titled “Toward a North American Commission.” The CFR taskforce report and the official SPP agreement carry almost identical language as the Pastor’s book. Though the Bush Administration denies a connection to Dr. Pastor’s book or to the CFR’s report, Dr. Pastor has represented the United States in SPP meetings, including (as mentioned above) the recent meeting in Alberta, Canada.

The book, the CFR task force and the SPP agreement call for the establishment of a North American Competitiveness Council

to pull in the private sector to the SPP process. In addition, all three call for the establishment of a “North American Advisory

Council,” which is to be an “independent body of advisors,” composed of “eminent persons from outside the government.”

In 2002, Dr. Pastor addressed the Trilateral Commission, calling for the establishment of a North American Investment Fund that would supplement World Bank funds expended in a trilateral effort to develop Mexico economically. The May, 2005 CFR report called for the same fund. Efforts are now underway in the SPP to officially establish the fund.

The CFR Task Force calls for the “creation by 2010 of a North American community to enhance security, prosperity, and opportunity. We propose a community based on the principle affirmed in the March, 2005 Joint Statement of the three leaders (of the three nations) that ‘our security and prosperity are mutually dependent and complementary.’ Its boundaries will be defined by a common external tariff and an outer security perimeter within the movement of people, products and capital will be legal, orderly, and safe.”

To those ends, the CFR report called for establishment of a common security border perimeter around North America by 2010, along with free movement of people, commerce and capital to be facilitated by the establishment of a North American Border Pass that would replace a U.S. passport for travel between the U.S., Canada and Mexico.


United Nations Will Rule With Impunity



Article 176

Legal status

The Authority shall have international legal personality and such legal

capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the

fulfilment of its purposes.

Article 177

Privileges and immunities

To enable the Authority to exercise its functions, it shall enjoy in the

territory of each State Party the privileges and immunities set forth in this

subsection. The privileges and immunities relating to the Enterprise shall be

those set forth in Annex IV, article 13.

Article 178

Immunity from legal process

The Authority, its property and assets, shall enjoy immunity from legal

process except to the extent that the Authority expressly waives this immunity

in a particular case.

Article 179

Immunity from search and any form of seizure

The property and assets of the Authority, wherever located and by

whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation,

expropriation or any other form of seizure by executive or legislative action.

Article 180

Exemption from restrictions, regulations, controls and moratoria

The property and assets of the Authority shall be exempt from

restrictions, regulations, controls and moratoria of any nature.

Article 181

Archives and official communications of the Authority

1. The archives of the Authority, wherever located, shall be inviolable.

2. Proprietary data, industrial secrets or similar information and

personnel records shall not be placed in archives which are open to public


3. With regard to its official communications, the Authority shall be

accorded by each State Party treatment no less favourable than that accorded

by that State to other international organizations.

Article 182

Privileges and immunities of certain persons connected with the Authority

Representatives of States Parties attending meetings of the Assembly, the

Council or organs of the Assembly or the Council, and the Secretary-General

and staff of the Authority, shall enjoy in the territory of each State Party:

(a) immunity from legal process with respect to acts performed by them

in the exercise of their functions, except to the extent that the State

which they represent or the Authority, as appropriate, expressly

waives this immunity in a particular case;

(b) if they are not nationals of that State Party, the same exemptions

from immigration restrictions, alien registration requirements and

national service obligations, the same facilities as regards exchange

restrictions and the same treatment in respect of travelling facilities

as are accorded by that State to the representatives, officials and

employees of comparable rank of other States Parties.

Article 183

Exemption from taxes and customs duties

1. Within the scope of its official activities, the Authority, its assets and

property, its income, and its operations and transactions, authorized by this


Convention, shall be exempt from all direct taxation and goods imported or

exported for its official use shall be exempt from all customs duties. The

Authority shall not claim exemption from taxes which are no more than

charges for services rendered.

2. When purchases of goods or services of substantial value necessary

for the official activities of the Authority are made by or on behalf of the

Authority, and when the price of such goods or services includes taxes or

duties, appropriate measures shall, to the extent practicable, be taken by

States Parties to grant exemption from such taxes or duties or provide for

their reimbursement. Goods imported or purchased under an exemption

provided for in this article shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of in the

territory of the State Party which granted the exemption, except under

conditions agreed with that State Party.

3. No tax shall be levied by States Parties on or in respect of salaries

and emoluments paid or any other form of payment made by the Authority to

the Secretary-General and staff of the Authority, as well as experts

performing missions for the Authority, who are not their nationals.

Transfer of technology
1. The Authority shall take measures in accordance with this Convention:
(a) to acquire technology and scientific knowledge relating to activities in the Area; and
(b) to promote and encourage the transfer to developing States of such technology and scientific knowledge so that all States Parties benefit there from.
(Note: This means if you or any other American invents or devolopes any new product or technical innovation that you must share it with the rest of the don't own your own work!)

...and there's so much more your government is hiding from you!


  1. Just to clarify, Mexico is not a socialist nation. We are constituted as a republic, made up by states. Until last year a Mexican, Carlos Slim owner of Telmex, was the richest man of Earth. Yes, richer than Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and any sultan from oil rich Middle Eastern country.
    Our banks are owned by foreign banks. For instance, Banamex (such a nationalistic name) is owned by Citigroup.
    Television is owned by 2 also very very rich humans: Jean Azcarraga (Televisa) and Salinas Priego (TV Azteca). Sure, there is also a state run TV station that mostly shows nature and cultural shows imported from Germany, France, etc.
    Stores, any size, are owned by their owners. Schools in Mexico are private or public, depending if you can pay the tuition or not. But you have the same over there. Does that make you socialist?
    Doctors have their own private practice and of course we have private hospitals. But we also have hospitals for the poor funded by our taxes.

    Now, if we look at a simple Wikipedia definition of Socialism we read it “refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and the creation of an egalitarian society.”

    Well, I don’t know, but you sure look socialist too. You have city parks, state parks, national reserves and highways, dams for the production of electricity, public schools and clinics for the poor, welfare checks all run and taked care by your government via your taxes. You have the FDA to boycott products when the common sense of washing all fruits and vegetables before eating is absent. I could go on, but I think I’ve made my point.

    A North American Union? Could be, but believe me when I say that when that extended NAFTA was signed in 2005 by the 3 heads of state I was not pleased at all. Why be forced into defending the security of a country known the world over for picking up fights in foreign territory for the defense of “American interestes” (aka oil)? We Mexicans were known for our neutrality. Now under that extended treaty we are forced to accept ALL kind of ships at our shores and not only the nice peaceful ones full of tourists and goods. Now our own military are forced to join in any crazy war for whatever crazy reason the gun-loving Americans want to wage.

    Why were we forced to join the nonsensical extended NAFTA in 2005? I assume because your paranoid president wanted a big buffer zone against the “forces of evil”, full of ignorant peasants that were expendable. It could also be because oil is present, or because an extra piece of land to grow food in is always nice, especially if the wages are low.

    Although we are in the same geographic area, northern hemisphere, we are worlds apart. We don’t share the same language, we don’t share the same values and religion, we don’t face the same problems nor do we share the same historical experience of being conquered by the same country.
    What is in it for us Mexicans? Nada. Even after the original NAFTA was signed in the 90s we were still systematically treated as second class citizens. Little things denote this. I’ll give you an example. Have you ever noticed why all sweepstakes and contests, shipping rates, only apply the USA and Canada?

    I could go on, but enough of my ramblings. Originally it was just to clarify: we are not a socialist country.

  2. Interesting comment, 'B.' You paint a picture of thriving beautiful country that all would love to emulate.

    It just leaves me with one question. Since you obviously have such a wonderful country, why is that millions of your citizens have the need to sneak across our borders and work here for substandard wages and rely on our social programs for food, healthcare, housing and such?

  3. Ref:"Have you ever noticed why all sweepstakes and contests, shipping rates, only apply the USA and Canada?"

    Interesting question...very interesting!
    Actually I never noticed that the applications ONLY applied to the USA and Canada...could you expound upon this?
    Thanks...and excellent commentary!

  4. And that's another thing 'B'...Why do they all break our laws and yet your laws would have us thrown in jail if the migration was in reverse...why is that?

    Oh, and thanks Mr. Lew, great question for which I hope Mr. 'B' can provide an answer that suggests some solution to the tell them to go home.

    And before you start making some silly assumption that I'm predjudice for asking the illegals to go is my definition of me and approved by everyone who has ever met me...

    I'm not white,
    I'm not black,
    I'm not upper class,
    I'm not lower class,
    I'm not middle class,
    I'm not French,
    I'm not Irish,
    I'm not Asian,
    I'm not European,
    I'm not Hispanic,
    My children are not half Hispanic.
    They are and I am what I am,
    An American!
    And I'm not hyphenated!
