Friday, October 31, 2008

The gun that fired the shot heard around the world now has a silencer!

The snippet below is from an e-mail used in corresponding with a friend in the state of Massachusetts! Has the war already started that we need censorship?

(read from the bottom up)

1 comment:

  1. Censprship began when the MSM and Tv Talikng heads were nade afraid to say anything negative about Michelle Obama.. when the same ones were made to cower about uncovering any facts about the Manufactured Messiah with the fear of being called Racists.. it has come to full disclosure with the attmpt to muzzle na average evriday American who "dared" ask the querstion that had the Teleprompter Messiah speak without a written speech...
    Beware This is Our Current anr Present Danger...
