Thursday, September 11, 2008

Obama's Mama...the seventeen year make the call.

Attention Camp Obama.

You started this and we're going to finish this once and for all. And, No, we don'ty want to hear, "Leave my mama out of this." You set the sleasy standard so if you can't stand the heat get out of the fire!

Yo mama...and now for the rest of the might call this video a documentary because it sure does reveal the truth.


  1. The person in this video is a pathetic hack looking for publicity. You have joined him in the gutter by posting this to your website. Get a clue!

    Go ahead... delete this post.

    I'll understand if you don't want to post it. Most bigot bloggers don't like to hear criticism. You all like the self-congratulatory echo-chamber to help boost your self-esteem. Sad.

  2. Junaid M. Afeef said...
    The person in this video is a pathetic hack looking for publicity. You have joined him in the gutter by posting this to your website. Get a clue!

    Go ahead... delete this post.

    I'll understand if you don't want to post it. Most bigot bloggers don't like to hear criticism. You all like the self-congratulatory echo-chamber to help boost your self-esteem. Sad.

    OK...clue me in.

    The Obama camp makes false or misleading claims about Sarah Palin and along comes someone that finds some truth about Obama and the Camp (you) responds by unfounded name calling. No bigotry here Junaid, just simple cross-posting opnions. What some would call "fair and balanced".

    No self-esteem issues noted here other than those that seemed to have lost all objectivity in their comments.

    As I mentioned in the post, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the fire." For you see Junaid, the above post is nothing more than a "tit-for-tat" repsponse to the Obama's camp gutter posting...
    "Get a clue." you say.

    "Get a life."

    "Delete this post." you say.
    Not on your life!

  3. ROFLMAO. Norm...your troll is a total troll moron!

  4. The gentleman in the video brings to light some noteworthy points regarding the patent hypocrisy of the left...First and foremost being the medias intentional omition the "Messiahs" maternal roots as it were and further the the insistance upon if we're going to delve into the behaviour of offspring let's bring to light the behavior of the left's mouthpiece's. It seems that an obvious double standard exist here which excemplifies the patent impotence of the far left and gross invalidity and consummate propagandistic nature of the front to inflict socialism and neo-Marxism on this nation via a charlatan.

  5. Perhaps Junaid feels it is okay to attack SArah Palin unmercifully, as well as her husband, 17 year old daughter, Military son, 7 year old daughter and 5 month old baby, because they are white?

    Some people haven't got a clue how they are being played and manipulated by a puppet messiah under the direction of Marxist forces.

    Some people just don't deserve the freedom many of us have fought and bled for so they may have it.

    Keyboard warriors, BAH!

  6. I guess it was okay for the Obama camp to airlift a bunch of political hack investigators to Alaska to dig up dirt on Sarah Palin? Only these jerks didn't really care if some of the stories that they dug up and sent back were embellished and fabricated. I agree with Norman; "If you can't stand the heat...." Obama's Mama was also an Atheist and her fist name was Stanley. I think that Obama really needs to address his association with Marxist professors and explain more about his involvement with "Public Allies." I also think that people need to know that Obama is a Socialist and a Marxist. To me, these are the most important issues of this presidential campaign.

  7. Attn: Junaid M. Afeef ...

    You are quoted in the Wall Street's a snippet out of the WSJ

    "...Mr. Obama – a person who looks different, has a funny name, a sense of the world beyond our borders, and at the same time is very patriotic. That is how most Muslims in America view themselves.

    In most circumstances such a strong affinity would be embraced by a candidate. But an affinity with Muslims is perceived by his campaign as a liability.

    Mr. Obama is another victim of Islamophobia. He is now facing what Muslims have been and still are struggling with: an irrational fear and hatred of Muslims. Polls show that as many as 25% of Americans admit to prejudicial feelings against Muslims."

    #1 Obama does not have one drop of patriotic blood in has Islamic veins.

    #2 All Muslims lie to non-Muslims to further their own ideology. Obama lies all the time...straight out of the Alinsky school of thought and just like the Clintons!

    #3 " irrational fear and hatred of Muslims..." You got it all wrong here. Americans do not trust Muslims because Muslims hate Americans...that the fear is rational is directly attached to the hatred Muslims around the world have displayed with their actions as well as their war-mongering words directed at Western ideology.
    Further, Muslims have failed immensely to assimilate into American society. No matter how you try to spin your words into attempting to instill in the minds of Americans that Muslims are a peaceful loving people, Americans know that you are lying. And that your ultimate goal is to overtrhow America. Many of us have read your so-called religion of peace Quran...the Quran is full of hate for all non-Muslims (infidels) depicts pleasure in killing the infidels.
    With keen observations of Obama and many other Muslims I have come to the conclusion that he (and they) do not have a conscience has do Christians. When a Christian lies there is a since of guilt that comes over the person's spirit and depending on the degree of harm caused by the lie, a feeling for the need to confess such a sin also dominates. When Obama (or any Muslim) lies there is never an apology only new rhetoric and the blame is always put off...more often than not to someone else and never to themselves. Muslims always seem to smile when they are caught in a lie to non-Muslims...I've first noticed this about the Saudi Arabians and then ALL Muslims. I've witnessed top Saudi and other Muslim officials and heads of state lie consistantly (with a smile) to American Presidents and othe State Department Officials.

    Further, We are not prejudicial towards Muslims...we do not pre-judge them for they put themselves on display for what they are. So therefor we have a learned bias and we take up a defensive stance for self preservation. It's like the first time someone throws something at a child...after being hit in the head a one or more times, the child learns to duck the next time something is tossed at him. Muslims have tossed too much at Americans...right now we're ducking...throw too much more and then we take out the bats...and the umpire say's, "Play Ball !" ...and we Americans know how to hit home runs!
