Sunday, September 7, 2008

But I would like to ask you...

From my In-Box (Published without permission, originator's address removed.)

----- Original Message -----

From: C..... .......
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 6:36 PM
Subject: To My Friends and Family

Some of you are committed Democrats or of the liberal persuasion. To those of you who are, please indulge me this one time and I promise to not bother you with future politically charged e-mails. But I would like to ask you...

What caused the decay of our society's morals? Did it begin with the bra-burning, pot-smoking protestors of the 60's? Was it the music of that generation (my generation) that influenced the baby boomers to gravitate to marijuana, LSD and other drugs? Or was it the leftist professors of our colleges and universities that bombarded those young minds with socialist propaganda that have fashioned the ultra liberals of today's adult society?

Whatever the cause, we now live in an era where killing unborn babies is not only acceptable but encouraged. Barack Obama has said if his daughters made a mistake he wouldn't want them punished with a baby. Since when is a precious baby punishment? Our primary schools are indoctrinating our seven year old children to accept homosexuality with such books as My Two Mommies. Our politicians and judges vote to approve marriage between same-sex partners and yet they deem prayer and the mention of God in schools and public places as unlawful. We are a nation divided, not only politically but morally as well.

These same politicians are willing to sacrifice our nation's sovereignty to the Almighty Vote by rewarding illegal immigrants with amnesty, citizenship and social services. Social services from which we working, tax-paying, life-long citizens are barred. In the interest of political correctness, school boards across our country make allowances to accomodate the Muslim population by providing foot baths, removing pork from menus and adding Ramadan to school programs. However, our schools no longer have Christmas Break, it is now Winter Break. Gone is Easter Break in favor of Spring Break. And we let it happen.

Our Congress now allows the oath of office to be taken with a hand on the Koran instead of the Bible, as was the case with Keith Ellison, the first African-American Muslim to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. We have come a long way from our Judeo-Christian beginnings in America.

We are a society subjected to the left-wing, liberal media manipulation in all forms: newspapers, magazines, network television and radio stations and cable networks. And yet, the liberal politicians in Washington want to take away conservative radio. It is called the Fairness Doctrine. Fairness Doctrine? Fair to whom? Nancy Pelosi and the liberals in Congress are the proponents of such legislation and if the Republican Party loses enough seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate, it will pass.

It is inconceivable that millions of voting citizens support Barack Obama merely on his ethnicity, his rhetoric and his pleasant voice. Those of us who live in Illinois know he did nothing on our collective behalf to improve our state. He voted "present" 130 times rather than make a yes or no decision on issues. If he couldn't make decisions at that level, how will he govern if elected President of the United States and in the face of issues critical to our country? He has been a United States Senator for 144 days, most of which he spent campaigning for the highest office of our nation. As a U.S. Senator, Barack Obama has not created one major legislative bill that has been enacted. Not one.

It is apparent that Senator Obama's friendship with William Ayers is acceptable, as is his twenty-year association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the now infamous reverend who calls upon God to damn America. No doubt Senator Obama cast aside his church, Trinity United Church of Christ, purely for political expediency. It is further obvious the media turns a blind eye to Obama's connections to Tony Rezko and Kwame Kilpatrick, a person Obama admires and calls friend. The media protects Sen. Obama at all costs.

Obama talks about change and yet he chose a 36-year Washington Insider senator as his running mate. That isn't change, it's business as usual. Don't be deceived into thinking you will be given "free" universal health care if Obama is elected president. It will cost you dearly in tax dollars and in the sacrifice of the best health services in the world. While it is obvious something must be done to deflate the outrageous cost of health insurance, universal health care is not the answer. England and Canada have recognized the disastrous results of socialized medicine and are easing away from those programs. The irony would be if we Americans are forced to one day travel to Canada for better medical care.

I pray reasonable Americans will vote wisely on November 4th and not vote for the charlatan, Barack Obama. America's sons fought for our freedom, some paid the ultimate price to ensure our country would forever remain a democracy. Don't dishonor them by a pencil mark on a ballot that would begin the end of democracy. Socialism ~ or worse ~ will very likely take its place.


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