Saturday, March 11, 2017

Womanizer of the millennial calls for personal decency! What's that all about?

During a speech at the Brookings Institution on Thursday, President Bill Clinton stated, “we have to find a way to bring simple, personal decency and trust back to our politics.”  (Source)

Friday, March 10, 2017

"We are controlled by men we have never heard of." Ain't that the truth!

 THE conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
      We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.
      Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet. ~ (From History Is A Weapon -- Propaganda by Edward Bernays [1928])

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Those of us who believe in an independent and sovereign United States of America may have a friend in the White House...his name is Donald Trump

"Both Bush administrations (Republican) and the Clinton and Obama administrations (Democrat) enthusiastically have embraced and endorsed the doctrines and principles of global unification."
Forward  by Norman E. Hooben
If all the naïve people…or shall we call them knuckleheads for they certainly display a lack of intelligence, would educate themselves before taking on the role as a paid protestor we could accomplish more than they hope to attain by their lack of judgement for the sake of a few dollars.  Not all of the protestors are paid but certainly the organizers that control the peons on the front lines (or the front pages) are paid to keep their agenda going.  Most of us have seen the pictures that dominate the main stream media of protestors displaying prepared signs that suddenly appear out of nowhere depicting the current crisis that the powers to be want to pre-occupy our minds with while they do what they do for whatever reason.  Those signs cost money and the so-called random protestor didn’t have one ready in his back-pack ready to roll out on a moment’s notice; only the organizers had such.  Most of us in-the-know category believe strongly that the big money supporting these protestors comes from George Soros, The Clinton Foundation, The Ford Foundation, The Rockefeller Group, The Bilderbergers, and a slew of other globalist enthusiasts including the Council of Foreign Relations…AND, the main stream media!.  No matter what the cause, no matter what the protest, all are designed for but one agenda…the New World Order!  Globalists, aka ‘Hate America First’ but campaign like you love her while you pay the peons to tear her down…  Do you know who lost this recent election?  It wasn’t Hillary Clinton, it was the Globalists!  That's why we see such last ditch efforts by Obama and members of his administration doing everything they can to undermine President Trump who wants to overturn all the bad policies enacted over the last eight years.  Meanwhile for all of us who keep a cool head (versus the knuckleheads) during the heat of our political battles know exactly what is going on…some of us may have read it here on this blog back in 2009 during Obama’s first year in the White House.  Here’s an excerpt by Chuck Baldwin: (See Full Story Here: The push for globalism continues )
Ever since the administrations of George Herbert Walker Bush and Bill Clinton, one fact remains constant: regardless of petty partisan differences, the push for globalism continues. Both Bush administrations (Republican) and the Clinton and Obama administrations (Democrat) enthusiastically have embraced and endorsed the doctrines and principles of global unification. That equates to more than two decades of determined effort by both Republican and Democratic Presidential administrations to compromise U.S. sovereignty and independence. It also helps explain why neither recent Republican nor Democratic Presidential administrations have had any intention of securing our borders and putting a stop to illegal immigration–and why they all promoted the creation of the NAFTA superhighway.
And just as George W. Bush was willing to betray conservatives and Christians in order to achieve global unification, so, too, Barack Obama is willing to betray union workers and America’s tradesmen in order to accomplish the same agenda.
When will the American people wake up and realize that for the last twenty years, both major political parties (at the national level) have been co-opted by globalists and internationalists who have no respect or appreciation for U.S. sovereignty, and who desire to create world government? When will they look past party labels and start seeing these globalists for what they really are: traitors to the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and upon which America was established?
I urge readers to watch very carefully–and prepare to vigorously resist–as Obama attempts to finalize what his predecessors started: the complete implementation of a North American Union and related globalization. You won’t find this information in the mainstream news media, of course. It will take independent writers and reporters to keep us abreast of these developments, and this we fully and faithfully intend to do.
In the meantime, know that those of us who believe in an independent and sovereign United States of America still do not have a friend in the White House–political party label notwithstanding.
Those of us who believe in an independent and sovereign United States of America may have a friend in the White House...his name is Donald Trump


Sunday, March 5, 2017

So you want to meet a Russian... Here's how it's done!

Here's the latest proof on Obama's wiretapping