Saturday, March 22, 2014

ATTENTION ALL AMERICANS ... “If we continue down the present path, your liberties will be dust in the wind by 2016.” 'You have no idea how bad it is!'

Let me begin by making a statement that for all practical purposes cannot be proven one way or another...regardless of how many public opinion polls or surveys have been taken. 
Even Gallup (a nationally known pollster) states in their "How Polls Are Conducted"  paper, "Public opinion polls would have less value in a democracy if the public -- the very people whose views the polls represent -- didn't have confidence in the results.In other words, faith!  Just like anything else you have faith in...  You have faith every time you ride in an elevator that the cables are secure even though cables have been known to break.  So without getting into all the ins and outs of sampling and target populations etc., lets just say that ninety-five to ninety-nine percent (95%-99%) of American voters are un-informed voters.  I can't prove it and neither can you!  So have a little faith in what I have to say.  By the way, the most un-informed voters are those the tend to vote the so-called, straight-ticket... they have no idea who or what they are voting for (political party identifiers, D or R don't mean a damn thing)!  So that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Meanwhile I have tried in so many ways to articulate what the real problems are with not a whole lot of success...success meaning, I changed a whole lot of voters mindsets.  Now we (myself and thousand of others) knew this guy Obama almost immediately when he came on the national scene that he was going to be a problem.  And its not just the phony birth certificate nor the absconded social security number or Saudi money that aided his move into the White House, its everything about him.  Worse yet, he has almost an entire political party that goes along with everything he says or does...regardless if its Constitutional.  And speaking of the Constitution, someone with obviously more 'smarts' than myself has managed to say what's on my mind so that even the un-informed voter may comprehend a bit more than he or she professes to know.  I first heard of Jonathon Turley on the radio and what he had to say was magnificent...except for a couple of little items that we can overlook.  Who is he?  Briefly we can get a description from Wikipedia:
Jonathan Turley is an American lawyer, legal scholar, writer, commentator, and legal analyst in broadcast and print journalism. He is currently a professor of law at The George Washington University Law School.
I don't think he needs a lot of accolades but suffice it to say he voted for Obama and approves of some of his liberal policies.  Its what he says in the following video that makes him a true patriot...things that many of us knew but were unable to articulate... Listen to him now...and listen to him again...if you still don't understand you're too dumb to vote!  ~ Norman E. Hooben
ps: If you want to know what an informed voter is, see 'A letter from an informed voter' at the bottom of this page.

Source for the following:
'You have no idea how bad it is,' says ex-spook on destruction of US
by Anthony Martin

On Wednesday it was reported that America's enemies within, mainly those who are part of the "progressive movement," are very close to their ultimate goal of the complete demise of the Republic has envisioned by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Today there is even more disturbing news.
An "ex-spook" as they are known, in other words a retired member of the CIA, stated concerning the effort to destroy the U.S., "You have no idea how bad it is." The enemies of freedom and the Constitution within the country, he said, have now succeeded in putting most of their goals in place. "Think of how far they have come since 2008," he continued, "Most Americans don't even recognize their own country anymore. They feel like foreigners in their own land."
"If we continue down the present path," he concluded, "Our liberties will be dust in the wind by 2016. These people are organized, relentless, persistent, and dangerous. And they have been at it since the early 1900s."
The former agent did not wish to be more specific about what he knows due to the fact that if he did so, it would be easy enough to figure out his identity based upon the in-depth knowledge he has of certain facts.
These "enemies within" are generally known as progressives, although the term has fallen in and out of vogue based upon changing perceptions of the public. Progressives are known under a variety of names. Liberals, collectivists, statists, Marxists, neo-Marxists, socialists, and "democratic consensus builders" are some of the more common terms that people who stand for freedom and liberty have used to describe progressives. But it all boils down to the same thing. In order for them to achieve their self-described utopia, human freedom and liberty must be severely restricted and controlled, and the power of the centralized government must be greatly strengthened.
In the previous report issued Wednesday it was noted how the enemy within has gone about attempting to reach their goals. Today we go further in making some eye-opening disclosures that shed more light on this most dangerous scenario.
The progressives/Marxists/collectivists are willing to do anything to advance their agenda, even if it means lying incessantly to the public, or even toying with the lives of citizens, using them as guinea pigs for mass social experimentation.
An example of one of the most despicable of these experiments is to be found during the mid-1960s under President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ). Very few except those with high security clearances within the government and LBJ's inner circle knew about this program. Even fewer know about it today. It was never reported or acknowledged. And most who knew the details are now deceased. A few, however, are still alive and well, and they know the full story.
One of these persons, an attorney who worked with one of the entities involved in this scheme, explained in very simple language what, exactly, took place. This is his story verbatim:
When LBJ became president after the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, most of us who were in the know were aware of the ominous turn of events this would signify. LBJ was one of the most despicably wicked human beings who ever occupied the Oval Office. He would do anything to get elected on his own right in 1964. Barry Goldwater, the Republican who would oppose him, had been looking forward to having a series of debates with Kennedy across the country. They had already worked it out. But when Kennedy was killed and it became clear that he would face LBJ instead, he privately told his aides that the election was already over, that LBJ was perhaps the most vile and dishonest character in American politics at the time.

LBJ wanted the support of the egg and dairy farming industry. Being from Texas, he felt it would look very bad if did not get the support of this significantly large portion of the farming industry. But the egg and dairy farmers, for various reasons, balked. They would not throw their support behind LBJ. Well, Johnson was furious. So, he courted and won the support of the grain farmers. But that was not all. After the election he wanted revenge on the egg and dairy farmers, and he wanted to reward the grain farmers for supporting him.
This is where things get downright spooky, but I can vouch for its truth. Johnson decided that he and his administration would issue a new concept --
a "food pyramid" that would "help" children and their parents make good food choices, not to mention those who are older and suffering from various maladies. The problem for the milk and egg industry is that the pyramid recommended that citizens severely restrict their intake of dairy products, particularly eggs. But to the delight of the grain farmers, the pyramid recommended a dramatic increase in the consumption of grain products such as bread, cereal, crackers, and the like.
Johnson leaned on his government physicians to place their stamp of approval on this scheme by claiming that if Americans ate according to the recommendations of the pyramid, they could eradicate heart disease, strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases. Soon everyone had jumped on the bandwagon. Doctors were telling their patients that they needed to cut way back on eggs and dairy and eat lots of grains, vegetables, and fruits. Some went so far as to tell their heart patients that they were restricted to one or two eggs per week, but an even better choice was to eliminate them altogether.
Most Americans who grew up in the 50s, 60s, and 70s are well aware of this infamous government food pyramid. The problem was that none of it, not one word, was true.

It turned out that after multimillions of Americans were beset with obesity, early onset diabetes and a myriad of other dangerous diseases that come from it, that all those grains the government had been pumping down their throats was not such a good idea after all. And lo and behold, it turned out that eggs will not, in themselves, cause heart disease. A person can eat two eggs per day, along with milk, meats, cheeses, and some non-starchy vegetables, and not only will they keep their weight under check but they will avoid most of the diseases that afflict millions of Americans, including heart disease and diabetes. This is, of course, provided that you do some exercise and severely restrict sugar intake. That means grains and starchy vegetables as well as sweets.
In short, Johnson was willing for multimillions of Americans to die prematurely and become afflicted with dangerous diseases all because he wanted power and would punish anyone or any industry that got in his way.
This is the essence of the progressive/Marxist/collectivist. Citizens are not human beings to be respected. They are slaves, subjects, vermin on which to conduct their experiments and if necessary, kill them.
This lesson is also a good example of the mindset of the progressive/collectivist. Government is here to tell us what to eat, how much of it we are allowed to have, what to drink and how much, and who knows how many other directives that are "for our own good." Try telling that to the countless numbers of Americans who got diabetes and died from it simply because they were doing what their government told them to do in order to "be healthy."
And if we happen to lose a million people here or a million people there in the process, that is no major price to pay for finding out how human beings react to certain experiments government wishes to conduct on them, "for their own good."
However, the really disturbing factor in all of this is that these ideas, concepts, and proposals that seem to have come straight out of Hitler's Germany or Stalin's USSR are still being utilized today by America's enemy within. Collectivists still want to meddle in our eating and drinking habits, to the point that citizens are forbidden from eating too much fat in NYC restaurants and school kids increasingly are not allowed to bring their own lunches to school unless they pass "the food police test," that is, what they will be eating is acceptable to the government educational complex.
In addition, citizens all across America are being told that they are barred, by law, from growing their own food. Why?
It is all about power. You, the individual citizen, must have none. But government and the elitists that run it must have all of it.
But another obvious problem is the government's Fascist collaboration with the mega-food corporations who want a monopoly on what the citizens eat. And even more disturbing is America's complicit scheming with one of the most evil organizations that has ever existed -- the United Nations.
The Politic Elite aka "The Progressives"

A letter from an informed voter:
April 9, 2009
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Mr. Obama:
I have had it with you and your administration, sir. Your conduct on your recent trip overseas has convinced me that you are not an adequate representative of the United States of America collectively or of me personally.
You are so obsessed with appeasing the Europeans and the Muslim world that you have abdicated the responsibilities of the President of the United States of America.
You are responsible to the citizens of the United States. You are not responsible to the peoples of any other country on earth. I personally resent that you go around the world apologizing for the United States and telling Europeans that we are arrogant and do not care about their status in the world. Sir, what do you think the First World War and the Second World War were all about if not the consideration of the peoples of Europe? Are you brain dead? What do you think the Marshall Plan was all about?
Do you not know or understand the history of the 20th century?

Where do you get off telling a Muslim country that the United States does not consider itself a Christian country? Have you not read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States? This country was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics, and the principles governing this country, at least until you came along, come directly from this heritage. Do you not understand this?
Your bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia is an affront to all Americans. Our President does not bow down to anyone, let alone the king of Saudi Arabia. You don’t show Great Britain, our best and one of our oldest allies, the respect they deserve yet you bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia. How dare you, sir! How dare you!
You can’t find the time to visit the graves of our greatest generation because you don’t want to offend the Germans but make time to visit a mosque in Turkey. You offended our dead and every veteran when you give the Germans more respect than the people who saved the German people from themselves. What’s the matter with you?
I am convinced that you and the members of your administration have the historical and intellectual depth of a mud puddle and should be ashamed of yourselves, all of you. You are so self-righteously offended by the big bankers and the American automobile manufacturers yet do nothing about the real thieves in this situation, Mr. Dodd, Mr. Frank, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelic, the Fannie Mae bonuses, and the Freddie Mac bonuses. What do you intend to do about them? Anything? I seriously doubt it.
What about the U.S. House members passing out $9.1 million in bonuses to their staff members — on top of the $2.5 million in automatic pay raises that lawmakers gave themselves? I understand the average House aide got a 17% bonus. I took a 5% cut in my pay to save jobs with my employer.
You haven’t said anything about that. Who authorized that? I surely didn’t! Executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be receiving $210 million in bonuses over an eighteen-month period, that’s $45 million more than the AIG bonuses. In fact, Fannie and Freddie executives have already been awarded $51 million — not a bad take. Who authorized that and why haven’t you expressed your outrage at this group who are largely responsible for the economic mess we have right now.
I resent that you take me and my fellow citizens as brain-dead and not caring about what you idiots do. We are watching what you are doing and we are getting increasingly fed up with all of you. I also want you to know that I personally find just about everything you do and say to be offensive to every one of my sensibilities. I promise you that I will work tirelessly to see that you do not get a chance to spend two terms destroying my beautiful country.
Franklin T. Bell, CFM, RPA, FMA
7239 Swan Point Way
Columbia, MD 21045

“The Ugly American.” doesn't get more uglier than this

Let me preface this with the title above is not that of the author below.  There are many reasons I could come up with that would justify my headline but one that is not readily noticeable is the total insanity that is toleratated by the American people regarding such waste and abuse by the Obama family.  Yes, this is truly ugly and its about time the American people looked in the mirror to see for themselves...and damn it, do something about it! ~ Norman E. Hooben

Source: Boston Herald
Carr: Last place to send first lady
by Howie Carr

NO SELFIES? Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan, greet
U.S. first lady Michelle Obama yesterday in Beijing.
They could make a movie out of Moochelle Obama’s trip to China, except they already have: “The Ugly American.”
It was bad enough when the first lady and her posse of 70 or so coat-holders took off on yet another globe-trotting adventure, but then she said it was “rare” that she got out of the United States.
And now they’re holed up in an $8,350-a-night “presidential suite” at the Westin Hotel in Beijing. Aren’t presidential suites supposed to be reserved for, oh I don’t know, presidents?
Now we learn that the grandmother, Marian Robinson, “is barking at the staff.”
Barking? Surely Comrade Chris Matthews will tell us that this is yet another “dog whistle.”
The best quote last night came from one of the hotel staffers, “We can’t wait for this to be over, to tell you the truth.”
Brother, the American people feel your pain. We can’t wait for it to be over either, to tell you the truth.
Before Moochelle left, she said that like all American parents, she wanted her kids to see foreign lands. The difference is, the rest of us have to pay our own children’s ways.
But surely no one is surprised by this woman’s breathtaking sense of entitlement. Moochelle is the woman who said she’d never been “proud” of the United States until her husband started winning Democrat primaries in 2008.
Now she’s comporting herself like Marie Antoinette. Let the bitter clingers eat Ramen noodles. Apparently the Obamas have appropriated the Kennedy family motto: “Do you know who I am?”
As a second-generation member of a hotel family, I can tell you that one sure way to judge a person’s character is by how he or she treats “the help.” The fact that Granma is throwing her not-inconsiderable weight around tells you everything you need to know about this crowd. A lot of people arrive at hotels with security, and when you are surrounded by men in black, it tends to inconvenience the regular guests. When they find the elevators blocked, or the revolving front door of the hotel closed, it irritates them.

Howie Carr
An irritated guest is a lousy tipper. Which is why when, say, your average Arab potentate takes over a hotel floor or two, he spreads tips around to the entire staff. I’m guessing the Obamas think their august presence alone is reward enough for the servants.
As terrifying a thought as it is, it’s been suggested that Moochelle may one day want to run for president. Like the earlier “rare” trips to Spain, and Africa (twice) and God knows where else, maybe this is another of her foreign tutorials in living large on the arm.
And when it’s over, she’ll be Moochelle Obama, the Moocharian Candidate.  ~ Howie

"...turning the United States into radioactive ash."

Ninety percent (99%) of Americans will miss this point entirely... In case your wondering what the point of all this is, it's just another wake up call.  Obama is leading us straight into WW III and 99% of Americans don't give a damn!

Before reading the story below perhaps you should refresh your memory here and scroll down to:
 "U.S. dismantling its most powerful nuke"
Then watch this:
The following from Huff Post Media
Russian Journalist Warns U.S. About Moscow's Nuclear Capabilities
* Russian media steps up war of words over Crimea
By Lidia Kelly

MOSCOW, March 16 (Reuters) - A Kremlin-backed journalist issued a stark warning to the United States about Moscow's nuclear capabilities on Sunday as the White House threatened sanctions over Crimea's referendum on union with Russia.

"Russia is the only country in the world that is realistically capable of turning the United States into radioactive ash," television presenter Dmitry Kiselyov said on his weekly current affairs show.

Behind him was a backdrop of a mushroom cloud following a nuclear blast.

Kiselyov was named by President Vladimir Putin in December as the head of a new state news agency whose task will be to portray Russia in the best possible light.

His remarks took a propaganda war over events in Ukraine to a new level as tensions rise in the East-West standoff over Crimea, a southern Ukrainian region which is now in Russian forces' hands and voted on Sunday on union with Russia.

Russian television showed images of ethnic Russians in Crimea dancing, singing and celebrating the referendum but followed them with accusations that Kiev's new authorities and the West have allowed ultra-nationalists to attack Russian-speakers in eastern Ukraine.

Kiev and the West blame the violence in eastern Ukraine on pro-Russian groups and say the Crimea referendum is illegitimate. The United States has warned of imminent sanctions against Moscow.
...continue reading here

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The way we were...

Colorized Rare Historical Photos For those of you into photography and history, these are black and white photos that have been colorized on a computer.  (Please wait for video to load.)

The way we are now...
See also...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Blessed are the ignorant,for they shall die (America is falling into an inescapable deathtrap).

American citizens should make the necessary preparations for the horrors to come. Obama's reckless policies continue to lead America down a path of Economic Collapse and Destruction.

Source: FaceBook
Specific events unfolding in America have been strategically and deceitfully designed to leads its people into an inescapable deathtrap.
Many wonder why so much interest and media attention is given to Gay Rights and Pro-Choice [Abortion] yet little or no attention to what matters most - the Economy. Its only logical that a total collapse of the Economy will lead to greater and far more important things such as shortages of food and fuel; and a starving family does not have abortion, gays and lesbians at its forefront but rather 'FOOD' to stay alive!
As regular citizens concern themselves with these important questions, one question stands out the most: "Why is the Obama Administration's priority Abortion and Gay Rights when the primary duty of a President is to ensure the welfare [via Economy] of ALL Americans?". This Article will answer that question and also give you a preview of turbulent days to come.
In today's America, it seems like the thought process of our leaders has flipped upside-down and reasoning is being guided by twisted logic. While all along many Americans go about their daily lives with little awareness of a storm brewing in the horizon, and its these people who will suffer the most when the storm arrives in its entirety. Consider this article an "Alert" and "Warning" to prepare for what will surely come. Why? Because there's no stopping he who is brewing the storm - Barack Hussein Obama.
The storm is also being fueled by a certain movement in America -- the Democrat and Liberal Movement.
Have you ever been in a group and engaged in political conversation whereby the subject "religion" is mentioned? Many individuals quickly try to defuse the subject by claiming "Religion" has no place in "Politics". The question is, "Are they right?". Its clear that individuals destined to reign are first raised with a certain belief system, and that system springs to life when the King [or President] makes decisions that effect an entire Nation. Its also clear that our Founding Fathers had a certain belief system and that system can be seen in the many Historical Documents. As matter of fact, it was that belief system that guided our Founding Fathers to establish the Most Powerful Nation on Earth, both Economically and Militarily.
The so called 'Politically Correct' [individuals] insult people of faith by calling them superstitious freaks. Based on their logic, they suggest our Founding Fathers were ignorant people who knew not what they spoke. Well, one thing's for sure, America became the Greatest Nation on Earth based on their Faith [Beliefs]. So the "Politically Correct" have been proven wrong by the History our Fathers launched into motion. The word "God" is mentioned numerous times in the "Constitution" and in many other important documents as well. So when our Fathers spoke of a "God", what god did they speak of? The god of Islam, Budha or Scientology? Absolutely Not! The Facts speak for themselves. If America as a Whole Celebrates Christmas, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, its obvious of which god they spoke of. Those Holidays are rooted in Christianity. So its the Christian God, the God of Israel that led their wisdom. The Politically Correct don't have to like it, but its a FACT that can't be denied.
So once again, does "Religion" play a key role in "Politics"? YES!
More evidence can be found in World History. Dictators have caused the deaths of Millions through out the Ages due to their lust for power, selfish and murderous beliefs. The pattern can be seen from thousands of years ago with Egyptian Farrows to Julius Ceasar, Eerxes, and Nero -- [decades ago] to Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Adolf Hitler and Mussolini --- and recently with Saddam Hussein and many other Dictators in Latin America, Africa, Middle-East and Asia.
This brings us back home - America.
America is known as the 'Beacon of Freedom' around the world.
So how did America get there?
Its the belief system that led our Founding Fathers to construct the foundation of a Great Nation.
Our fathers recognized that 'NO ONE MAN' should be given total and absolute power. That in order to have TRUE FREEDOM the Nation would have to be BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE.
But now, It seems like half the population in America has lost its mind. They have relinquished their RIGHTS and FREEDOM to support the destructive ambition of ONE MAN -- Barack Hussein Obama.
Obama made it NO SECRET what his intentions were from the beginning.
He captured the hearts of many 'low information voters' with his so called, "Hope and Change".
From the moment Obama spoke, America was in trouble. Why, you may ask.
America was, and is, the Greatest Nation on Earth - prior to - and now with Obama.
The so called "Politically Correct" argue that after President Bush, America needed "Change".
But its clear that Obama's "change" means to destroy the entire Foundation of America; and not necessarily to "change" and correct the so called "damage" Bush may have done. There's a difference!
Plus, the Politically Correct have made no attempt to stop Obama's attack on their freedom but instead are willful participants in their own destruction.
And in regards to Obama's "hope"; America provided - and provides - 'HOPE' to Millions of immigrants who now call it Home.
It was clear from the beginning that Obama's ideology and belief system is foreign to America!
Obama has repeatedly attacked everything that makes America great.
So why is he hell bent on destroying America?
The Department of Homeland Security [DHS] under the leadership of the Obama Administration have purchased OVER 1.6 BILLION Rounds of Ammunition including THOUSANDS of Armored Military Vehicles and Tanks.

Concerns about the apparent arms build-up are growing, with retired United States Army Captain Terry M. Hestilow sending a letter to Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) warning that the ammo purchases represent “a bold threat of war by that agency (DHS), and the Obama administration, against the citizens of the United States of America.”
A solicitation on the Federal Business Opportunities website details the DHS’ plan to purchase 360,000 rounds of “Commercial leaded training ammo (CLTA) Pistol .40 caliber 165 grain, jacketed hollow point.” The bullets are to be delivered to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico, the same destination for 240,000 hollow point rounds which were purchased only last month.
This is disturbing especially when one considers that the Obama Administration is conducting a Full-Blown Attack against the 2nd Amendment's Right to Bear Arms. With sheer hypocrisy Obama and the Democrats are purchasing Weapons and Ammo while all along asking for a disarmament of Law Abiding Citizens. Their attacks have led to a Massive Shortage of Weapons and Ammunition that create a substantial risk to Hundreds of Law Enforcement Agencies [Local & State] around the Nation. Police Agencies require ammunition and certain High-Powered Rifles - not only for necessary training - but to Defend and Protect Citizens from Criminals who have already armed themselves with such Weapons.
With hypocrisy, arrogance and lawlessness, Obama in a Dictatorial Style Fashion continues his attacks on The Constitution [Highest Law of the Land], Law Abiding Citizens and all those who oppose him which lead to a Disturbing Conclusion. Is he preparing a Civilian Man Army to fight within America? Remember the following words from Barack Obama:
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
The stunning comments from Democrat Sen. Barack Obama that the United States needs a “civilian national security force” that would be as powerful, strong and well-funded as the half-trillion dollar United States Army, Marines, Navy and Air Force have mysteriously disappeared from published transcripts of the speech
American citizens should make the necessary preparations for the horrors to come. Obama's reckless policies continue to lead America down a path of Economic Collapse and Destruction. A Collapse will not only mean the end of the Dollar, but to full-blown chaos and violence in America's streets due to shortages of food and fuel. This will create the perfect storm Obama requires in order to Institute Martial Law. And with Martial Law comes Soldiers [Civilian Military Force?] and tanks patrolling the streets in order to establish so called "Law and Order". Except this time it will be "Obama's Order" - Oppression under the Rule of a Dictator. After all, Members of the Obama Administration have said, "Never let a Crisis go to waste", in Recorded Media Interviews. Like True Tyrants - the current Administration creates the Crisis via Lies and Deception -- and then capitalize on their Evil Creation by instituting Dictatorial and Oppressive Laws that are Alien to the U.S. Constitution and American way of life.
Time is running out! THIS IS A WARNING:
America is under attack by a New Enemy.
An Antichrist [Barack Obama] who's beliefs and way of life are Alien to the Foundation of this Great Nation.
America's economy will collapse due to the Storm brewing within.
Democrats and Liberals in conjunction with the State Run Media [MSNBC, PBS, CBS, etc.] will prefer to destroy America rather than loose their beloved Wicked Messiah - Barack Hussein Obama. The events unfolding in America are no coincidence nor wild chance - these events were spoken of long ago. The following article is based on solid evidence and proof - much of which has already come to pass. Failing to grasp the content of this message may result in serious, and possible life threatening repercussions for you and your family.
It is safe to assume that if Obama is against Christianity, he is by definition - Antichrist.
And what does an Obama America mean to the world!
[Article below was documented prior to Obama's Second Term Election]
Many people have given their opinion as to whom the antichrist may be; Or, where he (antichrist) may come from. But there is only ONE WAY to reach the BEST CONCLUSION!
The Word of God!
What you are about to read, will give you an entire new outlook of what is currently going on in America and the world.

Opinions lead people astray; And therefore, become deceived. ALL SCRIPTURE IS GOD-BREATHED (God-inspired)... "2 Timothy 3:16".

You may ask, "Who gives you the right to be right, when thousands of professing Christians claim to know the truth?"
Well, by the time you've finished with this article, you will understand. In fact, you may already be looking at the Biblical End-Times ANTICHRIST and not even realize it.

First; if we are to believe in God, we must believe in His Word. All of it! In other words,... anything and everything there is to know about life, how it began, what it contains, and how it will end, has already been written. God did not leave it to speculation.

When we read the bible, we learn how all things began. This is written in detail in the book of Genesis. As we reach the ending of the Bible, another important thing is revealed, "The End of the AGE". This is also explained in detail in the book of Revelation. In essence, God has established a "TIMELINE".

God's "Timeline" is important. By understanding the "Timeline", we realize at what point in time we are in currently in. This will prepare the 'reader' for the "End-Times", and the "Coming antichrist".

Now, based on Scripture, God gives us the necessary clues that reveal His "Timeline". And these important clues are:
1. God works in "SEVENs". God establishes this in the Creation Days of Genesis. God made ALL things in SIX DAYS, and RESTED on the SEVENTH DAY. (Genesis 1 & 2). We continue to see God's pattern in the books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Daniel, and Revelation. Further proof of God's "SEVENs" pattern is established when he Commanded the Israelites to work for SIX DAYS, and REST on DAY SEVEN. He further commands that the SEVENth day be kept HOLY (Exodus 20:8-11).

2. Another important clue of God's "Timeline" is found in "2 Peter 3:8"... "Don't forget this dear friends, to the Lord, a DAY is as a THOUSAND YEARS, a THOUSAND YEARS are as a DAY." ... It is important to remember this CLUE as we move forward!

3. The Bible gives a complete GENEALOGY (generations) of descendants. It provides the name(s) of the person(s), and his/her life span. One example is found in "Genesis 11:10-32". Through these accounts provided in the Bible, we learn the following:
(a) From Adam & Eve, to Noah (The Flood), TWO THOUSAND YEARS went by.
(b) From Noah (The Flood), to Jesus Christ, TWO THOUSAND YEARS went by.
(C) From Jesus Christ, to now (present), TWO THOUSAND YEARS have gone by. We are in the year 2014 A.D...

Now, if we apply "2 Peter 3:8", we learn that SIX DAYS in the sight of God have gone by, From Adam & Eve, to now (present).
If God continues the pattern He has established in regards to "SEVENs", we have ONE missing DAY. And where do we find this DAY?... In the book of Revelation. The ONE THOUSAND YEAR reign of Christ... (Revelation 20). During that ONE THOUSAND YEAR reign of Christ, he (Christ) will bring a period of peace (REST) to the earth. This continues the pattern established by God. THE SIX DAYS, AND SEVENth DAY of REST.
In essence, we are about to end DAY SIX, and about to enter DAY SEVEN (the ONE thousand year reign of Christ). WE ARE IN THE LAST DAYS; or, END OF THE AGE! (BASED ON SCRIPTURE)
We must not forget an important part of the "Timeline". The reign of the antichrist. And we know based on scripture, that the antichrist will come before Christ. Why? Because Christ will destroy him (antichrist) with the brightness of his coming..."2 Thessalonians 2:8".

From what we have learned thus far, we are in the "Last Days". But these aren't the only clues God gave us in regards to His "Timeline".
In the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke, we learn about more signs concerning the "End Days", or "End of the Age".
Christ said, "The generation to see Israel recover Jerusalem, would be the generation to see the end of the age".... Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21.
FACT: Israel became a nation in 1948. Coincidently, Hitler wanted to wipe the Jews from existence a few years earlier (WWII, 1939-1945). Could the forces of Satan have influenced Hitler to try to stop the plan of God revealed to Ezekiel? Remember, Satan knows God's plans, "Revelation 12:12".
God told Ezekiel, He would gather His people from around the world (among the nations) and settle them back in their land (Israel).... (the Valley of Dry bones prophecy..."Ezekiel 37"). Israel did what no other nation on earth has ever done...the original residents RECOVERED their LAND after thousands of years of foreign occupation which include the PALESTINIANS. The Hebrews possessed the Land thousands of years before the Palestinians set foot upon it, making the Palestinians claims false.

FACT: Israel recovered Jerusalem in the "Six Day War" of 1967. This fulfilled the prophecy Jesus Christ foretold to his apostles. (NOTE: In SIX days Israel defeated several nations. Was God with them? God has made it clear HE works SIX days and rest on the SEVENTH day. ALSO NOTE how the Land of Israel serves a special role on Major Biblical World Events.)

Bottom line, based on Physical, Tangible and Visual Evidence,.. THE WORD OF GOD! (BIBLE), and Historical Events,.. we are currently (present-now) in the "Latter Days".

Now that it's established, via the Word of God, and not OPINION; That we are in the "Last Days", we can begin to look for the CLUES that reveal the antichrist.
It is important that the 'reader' understand the following:
(1st) The World is unfolding, and will unfold, based on the Word of God (bible), and not on man's opinions or assumptions. In other words, if it has been written, it will be done. It is up to the 'reader' to place the pieces together based on past, present, and current world events.
(2) God has provided countless clues that describe the "End of Days Antichrist". It’s up to the 'reader' to look for them.
Those clues give rise to the long awaited "Biblical End Times Antichrist". By the time you've read this, you will know who he is, based on scripture!

First clue... The antichrist will "Rule" the world economy, “Revelation 13:16-17”. Now, based on current world facts, what nation dominates the world markets? Fact: the United States! When the U.S. stock market suffers, the world trade markets suffer. The U.S. Dollar dominates all other currencies on the planet. And who is currently the President of the United States? Barack Hussein Obama!

Second clue… The antichrist, also known as ‘Ruler of the Latter Days’, will “Change the times”, and oppress the saints (Christians), “Daniel 7:25”. Now, two important things of interest that stand out from Daniel’s prophecy. Change, and oppression.
FACT: Obama ran a campaign on ‘change’. In fact - His policies are not only ‘changing’ America, but the world in general. Obama's FOREIGN POLICY is/has destabilized the planet. Rogue nations are doing what they’ve never done before - Acquiring Nuclear Weapons/capability. Barack Obama shares most of the blame for his failure to take action against nations who have long been America's enemy. Obama's support for the "Arab Spring" has also destabelized the Middle-East who for decades had a form of stability.
Fact, Obama's socialist policies here in America will usher in oppression. Why? Because there is no such thing as a ‘free society’ in a socialist country. (fact) The United States has the biggest population of Christians in the world. And what is the main group opposing Obama’s Agenda? Conservative Christians. (Remember: Daniel’s prophecy states, he (antichrist) will ‘oppress’ the saints (Christians).) America as a WHOLE celebrates Christmas and other Christian based Holidays, only ISOLATED pockets of LIBERALS, ATHEIST, and other movements do not. As recent as a DECADE ago, thousands upon thousands of stores across America would close for business in respect to the occasion. Now, Obama and his lawless liberal movement have launched an all out attack to destroy what our founding fathers established.

Third clue… “Revelation 13:11”… ‘The beast had horns like a lamb (Christian), but he spoke like a dragon (antichrist). ‘ … Obama ran a campaign claiming to be a ‘Christian’, but indeed he lied! (FACT) See “Obama mocks God” on youtube; and also, ‘Obama vs. Alan keys on Christianity’. Obama was caught on actual media footage mocking the ‘Christian God, and Christianity’. Now, one must ask themselves a reasonable and logical question. Who in their RIGHT MIND would offend the God they profess to worship??? Either Obama is out of his mind! Or he is a flat out liar!
Barack Obama has proven time and time again that he is following what his father taught him. To follow the MUSLIM religion. And we know what MOST muslim nations think about Christianity. Christians are infidels in their eyes. Those whom they must destroy. As matter of fact, radical Muslims have sworn to destroy America, Israel, and their inhabitants. This includes ALL THOSE who stand AGAINST ISLAM irrelevant of religious views. Several investigations have recently revealed Obama's affiliation to the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD. Obama's actions continue to shed light on evidence that reveal he is indeed a Muslim and an Islam Taqiyya Master. This is precisely why he continuously LIES to the American people and shows no sign of remorse.

Fourth clue… “Revelation 20:4”… ‘Those who had been beheaded for not worshiping the antichrist’ (which include Christians & Jews). (FACT) Barack Obama claims to be a Christian but his actions tell otherwise. Obama was raised by his muslim father. Obama also wrote a book whereby he states he would side with the muslim world (fact). Obama is embracing the muslim world, and indeed, is turning his back on Israel, a long time U.S. Allie. Obama supports sharia law and supports the building of the mosque in New York. All of Obama’s actions are evidence and proof he is a muslim. And what do muslims do to Christians, Jews & infidels???? THEY BEHEAD THEM!
Barack Obama asked for a 500,000 civilian man army. Why? Democrats have historically been against military spending. So why would Obama (Democrat) want to spend millions for a civilian military force? Sounds like a repeat of Hitler’s brown shirts. Obama’s policies will eventually make him America’s first dictator. And he will use his ‘Civilian Army’ much like Hitler used his brown shirts. To round up the opposition and destroy them (kill, murder by beheading).

Fifth clue… “Revelation 13:16-17” … ‘He (antichrist) also forced everyone to receive a mark on his right hand or forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark..’ (FACT) During John Roberts Chief Justice confirmation hearing, Vice President Joe Biden asked him (Roberts) if he was prepared to make a “Ruling” that would allow American citizens to be implanted with a tracking device that would “track our every movement”. This was caught on actual media footage (C-SPAN) and can be found on ‘Youtube’, or ‘google’. This tracking device (chip) is not a Conspiracy Theory, it is a fact (plan). It was made known in a public forum that the media captured on live feed. Biden is the Vice President to Barack Obama.

Sixth clue… “Daniel 11:36-37” … “The ruler of the latter days that will do as HE PLEASES, and serve a god his forefathers never knew.”
FACT: Barack Obama intentionally and knowingly defies the will of the American people. He ignores the Republican party, He ignores ALL opposition and DOES AS HE PLEASES! In the November Mid-Term elections of Obama's First Term, Americans voted overwhelmingly against him and his Democratic Party. And what did Obama do in return? Continued to pursue the policies the American people have REJECTED. Obama ALSO did what no other president in American history has ever done. Told the entire planet that America is not a Christian nation. He continues to attack Christianity. Our forefathers established this country on Christian principles. Contrary to what critics and skeptics say,… that is a fact! America celebrates Christmas, celebrates good Friday, Easter Sunday.. all of these HOLIDAYS have CHRISTIAN ROOTS. Point is - Obama is going against the establishment of his “forefathers”, something his “forefathers” never knew (a foreign god).

Seventh clue… “Daniel 8:25” … ‘The ruler of the latter days will cause DECEIT to prosper, and will consider himself SUPERIOR (arrogant).’
FACT: Barack Obama has been a master of lies and deceit just like his father - the devil. He says one thing and does another. Obama is out right arrogant. Obama insulted America World Wide by calling us "Arrogant", this coming from a Hypocrite who DEFIES the will of his OWN PEOPLE and does as he pleases; he is a VILE ARROGANT man! Uncovered evidence has revealed that his Chicago style politics are corrupt. Obama was associated with Acorn and Acorn has been proven to be corrupt organization; and Obama was with them from the beginning of his career. Obama and his cronies in Washington are corrupting the White House. This has inspired journalist such as Michelle Malkin (Obama and his culture of corruption), and many others to write documentaries of Obama’s illegal activities. Corruption is associated with lies and deceit. Obama has not taken any action against Attorney General Eric Holder for a corrupt operation that ended with Mexican Cartel members obtaining American weapons and the death of a Border Patrol Agent by one of those firearms. Operation "Fast and Furious" was a completely corrupt operation that Obama by his actions supports. This continues to prove that Barack Obama is a MASTER of lies, deceit and corruption. It is no surprise that OBAMA would be a habitual liar, after all, He supports Islam TAQIYYA. Taqiyya is the use of LIES by Muslims IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THEIR GOAL, total destruction of America, Israel and all infidels who refuse to surrender to Islam.

Eighth clue… “2 Thessalonians 2” … ‘The lawless one (antichrist), whom Christ will destroy’, the lawless one will come in conjunction with a spirit of lawlessness.
FACT: Barack Obama is lawless. He is destroying and scrapping the U.S. Constitution (The highest law of the land). Obama neither obeys the ‘laws of man’ (Constitution), and much less the Laws of God (God’s commandments). Obama is the most pro-abortion (murder) individual to ever hold office. From Senator to President, Obama has a 100% in FAVOR of abortion (murder) record. God said, ‘Thou shalt not murder’. Abortion is Murder whether we accept it or not!
Other laws of God that Obama has completely stomped and disrespected include the following:
Obama is stealing money via taxes from hard working Americans to support [welfare] able-body Americans who refuse to work. God said, "Thou shalt not steal"; and "He who does not work, neither shall he eat" [2 Thessalonians 3:10]
Obama also encourages Open Rights for Gays and Lesbians. (God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for homosexual conduct). Barack Obama and his lawless liberals have launched an all out attack against God and His Commands (Laws). Obama is the 'Lawless One' that would come in conjunction with a 'lawless movement', the liberal movement. Obama appeals to a majority of citizens in America who by statistics are lawless. (meaning, they are either for abortion, legalizing marijuana, legalizing homosexuality and attacking Christianity. Everything that favors iniquity and DEFIES Almighty God.)

Nineth clue… “Joel 3:2”… ‘God said He would gather all nations in the valley of Jehoshaphat and enter into judgement with them concerning His people (Israel), and for DIVIDING His Land (Israel). ‘
FACT: Barack Obama is pressuring the Israelites to give up land (divide) to appease the muslim world. Part of Obama’s peace deal requires that Israel give up the Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, West Bank and half of Jerusalem to the Palestinians. In other words, DIVIDING God’s Land, whom God gave to the Israelites as an inheritance. Obama wants Israel to withdraw to its pre-1967 war border. By doing so, Obama will bring God’s judgements on us (America) all. In the mean time, Obama has visited several Middle-East nations in his three (3) years as president and has yet to visit Israel. The FACTS speak for themselves. Barack Obama is frequently hostile towards Israel and Christianity. Christianity founded by the Son of Almighty God, Jesus Christ.

Tenth clue… During the ‘Economic Crisis’, Barack Obama signed a deal with Europe’s biggest bank that would allow them to regulate America’s banks; The bank of Rome Italy. By doing so, Obama has made America part of the European Union even though it is still unofficial.
Henry Kissinger told CNN in a live media interview, that Europe and the world needed a “New World Order” with Obama as its leader.
(Daniel 2 … “the statue”) King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that was later revealed to him by God through the Prophet Daniel. The dream revealed the rise of a “Revived Roman Empire” that Christ would destroy in the “Latter Days”. Due to Obama’s policies, America is now part of the European Union (The Revived Roman Empire--- was established when European Nations signed the “Treaty of Rome” shortly after WWII that united their currency).
In essence, the Roman Empire was reborn.
According to the book of Revelation and “Daniel 9:27”, the antichrist will make a peace pact with Israel for ‘Seven’ years, that will give them safety.
Ezekiel’s Gog-Magog invasion of the Latter days (Ezekiel 38 & 39), mentions Russia [Gog-Magog] and Iran [Persia] launching a surprise attack on Israel. This includes most pro-islam middle-east nations that will attack. The Antichrist will be on the other side [West Side] of the battle against Russia and Iran; nonetheless, all nations will be gathered around Jerusalem to fulfill the prophecy of “Joel 3:2”. The antichrist will come from the Western World but will have muslim influence. According to the scriptures - the antichrist will make a deal to guarantee Israel's safety when the Land is DIVIDED but will never keep his word. Obama's actions here in America have shown a pattern that place him in the perfect position to fulfill that prophecy. Obama promises the American people certain things time and time again, and instead, he does the opposite time and time again. Obama is a master of LIES and DECEIT! An ISLAM Taqiyaa MASTER!
The scriptures make it clear that Russian and Iranian Forces - including many Middle-Eastern countries - will attack the Forces of the Antichrist and this battle will take place over the Land of Israel. A second wave of attack will ensue when the Kings of the East, China, Korea and others attack as well. Once again, the Antichrist will be on the side of the Western World.
Is it a coincidence that at this time in History, Russia, China and Iran have made an alliance? And that all three of these nations are in conflict against the United States of America of which its leader is Barack Hussein Obama? No, its no coincidence. Its Bible Prophecy unfolding before our very eyes.
The scriptures [Bible] also describe the effects of what we know today as a Nuclear Holocaust. This will take place when all the nations collide over the Land of Israel -- the Land chosen by Almighty God.
Its very clear.
The battle of Armageddon is gearing up.

FINAL and Most Powerful CLUE that Barack Obama is the Biblical End Times Antichrist.
Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke Aramaic / Hebrew.
He said, "I beheld Satan as Lightning fall from Heaven." [Luke 10:18]
Lightning is "Baraq" in Aramaic / Hebrew.
Heaven or High Place is "Bamah" in Aramaic / Hebrew.
Adding the translation the words of Jesus would have actually said the following:
"I beheld Satan as Baraq Bamah."
Is it a coincidence to the similarity of the name "Barack Obama" given all the other clues previously mentioned?
I think not!
The Words of Jesus Christ are thousands of years old and fall perfectly in line at this point of God's "TIMELINE".

In closing!
The Antichrist, Barack Obama, will use every dirty trick in the book to be re-elected as President of America. If he is radical now, God have mercy on us all if he obtains four (4) more years in power. Don't ever under estimate the COWARDLY ACTS of a CORRUPT HABITUAL LIAR. America is in great danger. Don't be surprised if Barack Obama is re-elected by VOTER FRAUD.
Now, for a brighter aspect of our future.
The KING 'Jesus Christ' is COMING!
Pray that you be found worthy to escape (via Rapture) the Great Tribulation! God have mercy on us all. If we're worthy, we will GO UP, IN A BLINK, IN A TWINKLING OF AN EYE, TO MEET OUR LORD IN THE AIR!


Religion as a Bond of Union
“The people of the city were not only united about a common citadel; they were also bound together by a common religion. Each smaller group – like the family, the gens, etc. – retained its own particular worship; but to be part of the city it must also recognize the common deity under whose protection the city was founded, and whose continual worship the city life was maintained. Religion was thus the sacred bond of union which held together the various parts of the community.” ~ From Outlines of Greek History by William C. Morey, Ph.D., D.C.L. copyright 1903
One could make the claim that the above quote is the greatest un-learned history lesson of all time. I don’t know how many times nor how many history books that I ran across similar statements about the cohesion of the early city states. The use of Dr. Morey’s quote here was simply because it predates me…but also that I have the book in my possession.
It should be noted that the sacred bond of union was one of mutually shared assimilation and not a dictate by the government for as soon as such authoritative force came upon the population then the decline of the city state soon followed; especially when that force was dominated by outside religious beliefs or no religion at all. Most indigenous peoples have a religion that guides there every day moral compass; those that do not generally have no morals and a particular observation is that lying comes easy for there is no law written in stone to guide them…they have no conscience that disturbs the alarms that should ring when wrong dominates right. Such secular people usually have little in common with those of established faiths…though there is some toleration but usually for political trickery intents.
So what is happening now in the once very cohesive United States? We have the influence of an unconscionable, authoritative leader that dictates policy influenced by non Judeo-Christian beliefs (mostly Islam and Marxism) backed by gangs schooled in the art of Saul Alinsky and deceit (is that a double negative? Alinsky and deceit). Remember, it was Judeo-Christian beliefs that were our common bond. Let’s not forget it. This moment in time is your part in history for another generation to learn about so let’s prolong our bond before the United States of America becomes history. ~ Norman E. Hooben
Ps: The New World Order crowd (Carter, Clinton [x2], Bush[x 2], Pelosi, Reid, Obama) never learned the above history lesson.