Friday, August 24, 2012

Disturbing evidence that indicates that Obama and his investors are plotting something big...perhaps you should wake up!

"But our best bet -- perhaps our only bet -- is to frankly confront this ugly reality."
The following commentary received over 600 responses (637 and counting at this posting) and some say this may be a record.  Having read the entire piece and many, many of the reponses, the collection pretty much exposes the mood among many, many Americans.  Perhaps this prevailing tone has not been noticed by the politic elite but I dare say they should or perhaps many, many will soon be out of a job (How nice that would be!).   Now I have my own thoughts regarding Obama's quest for absolute control and what should or should not be done, but that would require many, many more words than I'm willing to type at this time.  Although it may be out of line to present a response before the commentary you might want to think about this one as you read:
"By Any Means Necessary" was a frequent phrase uttered by Malcolm X and is also the title of one of his last speeches:
"We declare our right on this be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary."
"Our objective is complete freedom, justice and equality by any means necessary."
"The day that the black man takes an uncompromising step and realizes that he's within his rights, when his own freedom is being jeopardized, to use any means necessary to bring about his freedom or put a halt to that injustice, I don't think he'll be by himself."
Read full response (and to make your own responses) please click here ~ Norm
from The American Thinker
Will Obama Keep Power 'by Any Means Necessary'?
by Stella Paul
Let's go there: if Obama thinks he's losing, will he allow safe and fair elections on November 6? And if he does lose, will he peacefully turn over power to Mitt Romney on January 20, 2013? Or will he cling to power "by any means necessary," as a highly placed insider alleges?
Now, I'm truly sorry to raise such disgusting, un-American, crazy-sounding questions, but, alas, they're not crazy, and I've got a disquieting amount of evidence. The Democrats have already accused Romney of murdering a woman with cancer, financial felonies, and not filing taxes for ten years -- the last charge delivered by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on the Senate floor, on the basis of absolutely no evidence whatsoever.
By Democrat standards, I've got enough proof to put away Obama, et al. for life without parole.
Whatever chicanery Obama and his investors may be contemplating, it will probably unfold against some gargantuan crisis, manufactured or otherwise. So cast your mind back to September 11, 2001, the day of the New York mayoral primary.
In the chaos after the attacks, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who was term-limited from running, pleaded that his leadership was essential and that he should be granted an extra three months in office after his term ran out on January 1. Giuliani's unprecedented power-grab was rightfully scorned by his eventual successor, Michael Bloomberg. So what did Bloomberg do when he ran into term limits? He deployed his multi-billion-dollar fortune to manipulate the law and buy himself a quasi-legal third term, claiming that only he had the expertise to handle the 2008 financial crisis.
My point? Politicians a great deal more conventional than Obama have loathed giving up power, and they have used crises and unethical machinations to try to keep it.
Now, let's look at just some of the disturbing evidence that indicates that Obama and his investors are plotting something big:
Super-High-Level Trial Balloons
USA Today reported that on September 27, 2011, Governor Beverly Perdue, Democrat of North Carolina, told a Rotary Club audience, "I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won't hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover[.] ... You want people who don't worry about the next election." When outrage greeted her suggestion, she retreated to the standard defense: she was just joking. What a kidder!
Meanwhile, that same month, Peter Orszag, Obama's former director of the Office of Management and Budget, published an article in The New Republic titled "Too Much of A Good Thing: Why We Need Less Democracy." In it, he posited that the country was too polarized; hence, "radical as it sounds, we need to counter the gridlock of our political institutions by making them a bit less democratic."
Please note that these suggestions to suspend elections and radically reduce democratic control did not come from basement-dwelling bloggers. They came from the governor of the very state in which the Democrats are holding their national convention and from one of Obama's most prominent Cabinet members. Their close timing suggests that these ideas were circulating at the highest levels of the Democrat power elite.
"Whom Does the Government Intend to Shoot?"
That's the question recently posed by retired Major General Jerry Curry in the Daily Caller, in light of horrifying reports that the Social Security Administration is buying 174,000 rounds of hollow-point bullets for distribution to 41 locations in the U.S.
According to Major General Curry, Social Security's ammo spree follows the purchase by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of 46,000 rounds of hollow-point ammunition. Will they be shooting fish in a barrel?
Most terrifying of all, Major General Curry reports that the Department of Homeland Security ordered 750 million rounds of hollow-point ammunition in March, then subsequently ordered an additional 750 million rounds, including bullets capable of penetrating walls.
"This is enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen," writes Major General Curry, who wonders what plan might require "so many dead Americans."
I strongly suggest that you read Major General Curry's article for yourself, so you can appreciate the full horror of what he describes. After pointing out that Congress has done nothing to investigate these weapon purchases, Major General Curry, a 40-year veteran, concludes with these chilling words:

This is a deadly serious business. I hope I'm wrong, but something smells rotten. And If the Congress isn't going to do its duty and investigate this matter fully, the military will have to protect the Constitution, the nation, and our citizens.
Executive Orders
Obama may not be fond of governing, but he certainly does enjoy issuing executive orders -- 135 so far. As American Thinker's Warren Beatty points out, these little-reported edicts reveal an all-too-predictable pattern: concentrating all national power and resources in Obama's hands, in case of "emergency."
So far, Obama has granted himself the right to control all transportation, including highways, airports, seaports, and railroads, and all modes of communication, storage facilities, electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals.

Should you resist any of these emergency measures, rest assured that the U.S. government is now well supplied with bullets.
Openly War-Gaming against American Citizens
A recent issue of the well-respected Small Wars Journal featured an article titled "Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A 'Vision' of the Future." Written by retired Army Col. Kevin Benson of the Army's University of Foreign Military and Jennifer Weber, a Civil War expert, the article helpfully game-played, in full operational detail, how the Army would destroy a local Tea Party insurrection.
The authors claim that should Tea Party rebels take over a City Hall, "Americans will expect the military to execute without pause and as professionally as if it were acting overseas"; therefore, "the Army cannot disappoint the American people, especially in such a moment."
The brazenness of this scheme for the U.S. military to kill Americans created a small, temporary stir. The Washington Times editorialized, "This is a dark, pessimistic and wrongheaded view of what military leaders should spend their time studying." The Washington Times also noted:
A professor at the Joint Forces Staff College was relieved of duty in June for uttering the heresy that the United States is at war with Islam. The Obama administration contended the professor had to be relieved because what he was teaching was not U.S. policy. Because there is no disclaimer attached to the Small Wars piece, it is fair to ask, at least in Col. Benson's case, whether his views reflect official policy regarding the use of U.S. military force against American citizens.
Active Partnership with America's Foreign Enemies
Many spectacles have enlivened presidential elections over the years, but 2012 marks the first time that high-level military personnel have felt compelled to publicly tell the president to stop leaking national security secrets.
A group of former U.S. intelligence and Special Forces operatives created a 22-minute video, "Dishonorable Disclosures," to shame Obama into shutting up about priceless intelligence related to bin Laden's death, British-Saudi penetration of al-Qaeda, and the Israeli-American Stuxnet virus attack on Iran's nuclear program.
Normally, presidents don't want to endanger American citizens and military personnel by leaking top-secret information -- but aiding and abetting the enemy is apparently all in a day's work for Obama.
And so, if he wants to stir up trouble before the election, either at home or abroad, he'll have plenty of enemy partners to help. First, he's got the Russians, to whose president he was caught whispering on a hot mic about missile defense, "This is my last election[.] ... After my election, I have more flexibility."
Second, Obama is this close to the Muslim Brotherhood, who are world-class experts on unleashing political violence. Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood ascend to power in Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, and Libya, and he's placed its operatives in the highest levels of the American government. Surely, such clever characters as Huma Abedin, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's deputy chief of staff, and Mohamed Elibiary, a Homeland Security Advisory committee member, can be trusted to think up some exciting turmoil to apply where needed.
And finally, close to home, Obama can rely on the Sinaloa drug cartel in Mexico, whom he supplied with thousands of guns. Gratefully, they used their American taxpayer-funded AK-47s to wipe out rival drug gangs and to murder Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Attorney General Eric Holder is presently in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over documents on Operation Fast and Furious, and Obama ("President Transparency") has claimed executive privilege to withhold them.
Sending hordes of expensively armed drug gang members across our border should be a snap, now that Obama has crippled our Border Patrol. Just think of all the headline-grabbing distractions these energetic young men can unleash!
Active Partnership with Domestic Criminal Groups
When Louis Farrakhan met Ahmadinejad: now there's a romance made in the bowels of hell. Toss in the head of the New Black Panthers and fifty radical imams, and you've got the "Beast Axis" that was forged in a Manhattan hotel on September 27, 2010, according to The Blaze.
New Black Panther Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz boasted on Black Panther Radio that he "stands on solid ideological ground" with "His Excellency, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad," who understands "the dynamics and the politics of world revolution."
Apparently, Obama approves of these antics, because his attorney general, Eric Holder, dropped charges against the New Black Panthers, even though they were caught on tape allegedly intimidating Philadelphia voters in the 2008 elections. Naturally, Holder's Department of Justice then lied about its actions, covering up its political motivations.
Holder specifically protected King Samir Shabazz, who now serves as national field marshal for the New Black Panthers. Shabazz spearheads the Panthers' ambitious new plan to "create inner city militaries that would go into nurseries and kill white babies and murder white people in the street."
Let's hope this "inner city military" is not what candidate Obama mysteriously referred to in 2008 when he pledged, "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
Imagine, for one monstrous moment, the destructive potential of this burgeoning alliance between the Obama-protected New Black Panthers, Obama's old Chicago associate Louis Farrakhan, and the genocidally obsessed Ahmadinejad. If your blood didn't run cold, you weren't imagining hard enough.
A Tsunami of Voter Fraud
On June 15, 2012, Obama bypassed Congress and issued de facto amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens. Suddenly, whole new vistas of voter fraud opened up to the Democrats. Admittedly, they've got to ramp up quickly for November, but this gang should prove up to the challenge.
Helping matters along, Holder is busy suing states that require photo ID to vote and attempting to disenfranchise the military. Together, these well-coordinated efforts should provide Obama with the means to pull off staggering amounts of voter fraud.
"By Any Means Necessary"
If all else fails, Obama and his investors may be prepared to keep power "By Any Means Necessary." This information comes from an uncannily predictive website called The Ulsterman Report. Those who have followed its fascinating interviews over the last couple of years with two anonymous sources, Wall Street Insider and White House Insider, have seen its scoops confirmed again and again.
Well over a year ahead of any other media, The Ulsterman Report was informing readers that Valerie Jarrett ran the White House and that Obama was strangely disengaged from the actual tasks of governing. It predicted the emergence of obscure figures -- Kamala D. Harris, who's now attorney general of California, and her brother-in-law, Tony West, the newly named acting associate attorney general at the Department of Justice, who's being groomed as Holder's successor.
Most crucially, shortly after the bin Laden operation, the Ulsterman Report revealed that Valerie Jarrett had canceled three previous bin Laden raids. That information now has been confirmed by Richard Miniter in his book, Leading from Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him.
Recently, a source known as Military Insider (MI) met with Ulsterman (UM) at the urging of Wall Street Insider (WSI) to issue a warning. A section of their conversation follows below:
MI: Approximately two years ago...not quite two years ago...I received information pertaining to an election contingency plan. For 2012. After the 2010 elections there were particular operatives...specific to the Obama administration and Democratic Party leadership...indicating an overwhelming need to secure a second term for President Obama. That document's title was...(pauses)
WSI: He can be trusted - I give you my word. Please proceed.
MI: That document's title was "By Any Means Necessary". It was unofficial - but we know it came directly from channels specific to the administration. We confirmed that.
UM: What channels? Who are you talking about?
MI: We believe it to have been authored by Mr. Sunstein. Reviewed and approved by Valerie Jarrett. Preparations for implementation are being done in part by Mr. Leo Gerard coordinating with...with high ranking officials within the Department of Justice, Homeland Security...and...the U.S. military.
We could dismiss the anonymous Military Insider's warning as overheated, unsourced hysteria. Or we could examine it as one more piece of evidence to place alongside all the evidence I've described above.
The greatest asset of Obama and his investors has been their warp-speed audacity. We're too stunned to believe what's happening in front of our eyes, and too embarrassed to mention it. Who wants to speak up and be ridiculed as an unhinged paranoid, marching with the tinfoil hat brigade?
But our best bet -- perhaps our only bet -- is to frankly confront this ugly reality. As Iran prepares to go nuclear and the global economy teeters, any number of "national emergencies" can suddenly erupt, demanding unprecedented measures by Obama to "save" us. We must be prepared with skepticism, outrage, and defiance of any actions to deprive us of our Constitutional rights.
America remains the last best hope on earth. And We the People must keep our power, by any means necessary.
correction: erroneous link to executive orders removed
correction: refernce to work briagades and relocation centers removed
correction: number of executive orders issued by Obama changed to 135
Write Stella Paul at

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Criminalizing non-criminal behavior and taxing life... They're out to get you folks anywhich way they can!

Source: Politics Alabama

Hate Crime Lunacy in New York

I have said for years that I think we should not have hate crimes written into our laws. Why? For one thing, these laws can criminalize non-criminal behavior based solely upon the motive.

Take this recent example. Apparently, a group of muslims gathered in a New York field to celebrate the end of Ramadan. Anticipating this celebration, somebody had placed three packages of uncooked bacon in that field, along with a note.

Police are investigating this incident as a hate crime.
"Pieces of uncooked bacon were scattered at a New York field where Muslims gathered to celebrate the end of Ramadan – an incident police are investigating it as a hate crime, authorities said Monday.

"Organizers found the bacon on a section of the John D'Amato Field, in New Dorp, Staten Island, where about 1,500 people gathered Sunday to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr, the Muslim holiday marking the end of dawn-to-sunset fasting during Ramadan.

"The celebration was not marred by the crime because organizers did not inform those gathered until after the celebration had concluded."
Crime? What crime? Is leaving packages a bacon lying in a field actually a crime? If so, please tell me what law was broken. And if you say littering I'm going to laugh in your face.
Would it be a crime if they'd left packages of bacon in a field just before a poultry and egg association gathering? I hardly think so. Somebody would have quietly cleaned up the bacon and thrown it away. No, in this case authorities decided that the reason the bacon was left is because of hate, and therefore the hate crime laws CREATED this "crime." In this case, a non-criminal action has been elevated to a felony because of WHY it happened.


The Constitution does not give us the right to "not be offended." And that's basically all the bacon would have done, offended those gathered there that day. But to label it a hate crime and pursue felony charges? Lunacy. Not every objectionable act should be a crime.

With this kind of thing going on, YOU could be charged with a hate crime for any action, whether that action is criminal or not. All that has to happen is for some law enforcement official to decide your motive was hate, and that's all she wrote for you.

Make no mistake, people, though this case sounds ludicrous, the fact that a non-criminal act is now a felony perfectly illustrates how bad hate crime laws can be. All such laws should be repealed today, for the good of us all.
Read the rest...

Monday, July 2, 2012
A thought struck me a few moments ago, and I decided to share it with you.

Let's look at the practical effects of taxes. A tax is a disincentive... that is, a tax makes people less inclined to perform the behavior or use the product taxed. This is why taxes on cigarettes are so draconian, to discourage people from smoking. If they can't afford it, they'll be less likely to smoke.

This same truth is why Obama's tax increases on individuals and businesses hurt the economy, because they are taxing (one might even say penalizing) productive and profitable behavior.

For those wanting more information on taxes as disincentives to the targeted behavior, I recommend these two links.

So the higher taxes rise on something, the less likely we are to continue doing it.

ObamaCare is essentially taxing life. If you are living in this country, you must pay this tax or even more for health insurance. Given all this, might not a young couple thinking about children decide that they cannot afford the expense of having a child?

And this raises the question: If taxes make us less likely to do something, do we really want to tax life? And if we go ahead with this, might we run into a situation in the future where birth rates decline because families simply can't afford the tax burden associated with having kids?

It's something to think about...

Read the rest...
Thursday, June 28, 2012
A Thought On SCOTUS Ruling
Have you ever gone into a bar and been stopped at the door to pay a cover charge? By SCOTUS decree, the United States of America IS that bar, and every baby born must pay that cover charge.

For the first time in history, SCOTUS has ruled that a tax on living is legal... isn't that basically what the individual mandate does?

Congress can't levy a tax on voting (poll tax), but they can levy a tax on living. Amazing.

Read the rest...

Obama buys enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen.

Update... See also: Obama DHS Purchases2,700 Light-Armored Tanks to Go With Their 1.6 Billion Bullet Stockpile   (In case you may have forgot, the 'H' in 'DHS' stands for "Homeland" and not some overseas location) ~ N.E.H.

Arming the Government Against Americans

By Alan Caruba ~ Warning Signs

The push to disarm Americans has been around a long time. An estimated ninety million Americans own guns legally and in states that permit concealed carry the crime rate drops precipitously by comparison with others that do everything they can to make the purchase and carry of firearms difficult.
Gun ownership in America is the highest since 1993 with estimates of 300 million guns owned by citizens. Ownership crosses political party lines and other demographic cohorts. From its earliest days as a nation, the Founding Fathers were united in the need for an armed citizenry as a response to the potential tyranny of a government that might seek to impose its will on Americans through force.
The notion that one can keep criminals from acquiring firearms is idiotic. In cities like Chicago with laws that all but deny gun ownership, the murder rate is off the charts. By June, 228 residents of Chicago had been killed, compared to 44 troops in Afghanistan’s combat zones.

There’s a reason gun sales in America soared after the election of Barack Obama. Nobody except his brainwashed minions trust him. Over the past three and a half years he has issued more than 900 Executive Orders, many of which grant him and the federal government extraordinary control over all aspects of life for Americans. The hallmark of every totalitarian regime is gun control, the disarming of citizens.

This is, after all, a President who disparaged Americans who he said, “cling to their religion and their guns.”

As columnist,
Chuck Baldwin wrote in 2007, “One thing the national news media will always ignore is the practice of lawful self-defense. For example, most people are probably not aware of the fact that American citizens use a firearm to defend themselves more than 2.4 million times every year. That is more than 6,500 times every day.”

“This means that, each year, firearms are used 60 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives. Furthermore, of the 2.4 million self-defense cases, more than 192,000 are by women defending themselves against sexual assault. And in less than eight percent of those occasions is a shot actually fired. The vast majority of the time (92%), the mere presence of a firearm helps to avert a major crime from occurring.”

Why then is the Obama administration in the process of purchasing millions of bullets for agencies, some of whom have nothing to do with national defense?
In May I wrote about an Ashville, North Carolina citizen who wrote a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency inquiring about the address of an employee who gained overnight fame when it was reported he wanted to “crucify” oil companies. Two EPA agents, fully armed, showed up without notice at his front door.

Why does the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration need to purchase ammunition? NOAA is devoted to studying the weather and providing notice of events such as hurricanes. Why would meteorologists need to be armed?

Why does the Social Security Administration need to purchase ammunition? A spokesman for the SSA compared its investigators to state or local police officers who are armed while on “official duty.”

Why would the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) specifically purchase 750 million rounds of hollow-point ammunition in March and follow up with an additional 750 million? In a recent article in, retired
Major General Jerry Curry noted in The Daily Caller, “This is enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen.” The article asked whether Obama would seek to hold onto power “by any means possible.”
Granted that DHS is charged with protecting the homeland, but is there any indication that the nation is under threat of an invasion and, if so, isn’t it the job of the U.S. military to respond to such a threat?

Or perhaps the answer is the belief within the Obama administration that it might face a massive insurrection if it tried to take over the nation by delaying the November elections or imposing martial law as the result of a contrived national threat?

A recent issue of Small Arms Journal contained an article titled “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A ‘Vision’ of the Future.” It game-played in full operational detail how the Army would put down a local Tea Party insurrection. Does anyone except those inside the Obama administration believe that the Tea Party would ever engage in such an effort?

This is the same administration actively trying to suppress a Congressional investigation into operation “Fast and Furious” that encouraged the transmittal of firearms to Mexican drug cartels, allegedly to track them, but instead some were used to kill a U.S. Border Patrol agent. So guns for the cartels are okay, but guns for law-abiding Americans are not. The Attorney General has been held in contempt of Congress for his failure to be forthcoming in the investigation.

The massive purchase of ammunition by agencies that have little or no relationship to the nation’s security raises questions and concerns that cannot be dismissed or ignored. They are apiece with a variety of all actions the Obama administration has taken that suggest the suppression by force of any response Americans might take if they believed it intended to impose a dictatorship.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wide Open Treason: Our goal is to ‘overthrow the capitalist system and build communism’ ...and Obama-Holder can care less

There's a presidential election coming up and the candidates are busy making speeches about jobs and the economy while Obama's minions are making plans to destroy us all.  We have the New Black Panther Party openly crying out to kill white people (and Obama-Holder can care less), while Communist Party advocate, Leon Panetta is downsizing our military capability (and Obama-Holder can care less), and we have union thugs preaching the overthrow of our government (and Obama-Holder can care less)... But hey, don't let me distract you, there's a presidential election coming up.  ~ Norman E. Hooben
Former union boss at Occupy event: Our goal is to ‘overthrow the capitalist system and build communism’ [VIDEO] ~ Source: The Daily Caller
Former Amalgamated Transit Union local 689
 president Mike Golash told an Occupy DC
 gathering on August 19, 2012 that his goal
 is to overthrow capitalism in the United States
and  institute  a Communist government.
(YouTube) Photo from: The Daily Caller
Former Amalgamated Transit Union local 689 president Mike Golash, now an “Occupy” movement organizer, was caught on tape Sunday revealing his political goals: overthrowing capitalism in the United States and instituting a communist government.“Progressive labor is a revolutionary communist organization,” Golash said during an Occupy DC “People’s Assembly” on August 19.
“Its objective,” he added, “is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism.”
Golash said he and his comrades are “trying to learn something from the historical revolutions of the past: the Russian revolution, the Chinese revolution, the revolutions in Cuba and Eastern Europe.”
“What can we learn from them so we can build a more successful movement to transform capitalist society?” “An organization has to be built which can bring down capitalism,” Golash said.
“The capitalists — they have their organizations: the FBI, the CIA, the secret police, the military, the army, etc., etc. They have organizations to maintain their power. It’s foolish to think that without a disciplined organization made up not of a few people but of millions and millions of people, [we] can bring down capitalism.”
The video, posted on YouTube late Sunday, was shot by young conservative activists Nick Tomboulides, Andrew McCaughey and Danielle Saul. The Occupy DC event was held at Luther Place Church in downtown Washington, D.C.
Golash recently retired from his job as a public transit bus driver. The ATU local 689, which he used to lead, bills itself as the third-largest union local in North America.

Important reviews...previous posts that should be reviewed...over and over again...sooner or later the American people will wake up.
2.  Getting The Message Out There...many Americans should be embarrassed (There's a message here... Doesn't anyone get it?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The NAACP...they're not victims, they're racists and I'm sick of it! ~ Michael Berry

I'm not white, I'm not black, I'm not upper class, I'm not lower class, I'm not middle class, I'm not French, I'm not Irish, I'm not Asian, I'm not European, I'm not Hispanic, My children are not half Hispanic...They are and I am what I am, An American! And I'm not hyphenated! - Norman E. Hooben

The growing possibility of civil, na, I don't think so; how 'bout 'the growing possibility of government unrest'

Something is definetly rotten in Denmark Washington, D.C. lately (Did I say, "lately"?). Recent stories about various government agencies purchasing millions of rounds of ammunition and then retracting the stories as if it were no big deal.  I got to admit that I never knew that such administrative agencies like the Social Security Admistration had their own police force...since when did that happen anyway? So while the government is arming itself to the hilt the statists among us are trying to prevent the citizenship from arming themselves. Sounds like the government is preparing for some kind of civil war in which they want to out gun the small fry (that's you and me!). ~ Norman E. Hooben

More federal agencies buy multithousands of rounds of ammo

A news report today indicates that the Social Security Administration has purchased 174,000 rounds of ammunition, adding the agency to a growing list of federal agencies that have purchased multithousands of rounds of ammo over the last six months. Click here for full story.

Retraction: (Now it's just a rumor)

The most widespread of the recent rumors involves a Department of Homeland Security contract for a maximum of 450 million rounds of .40-caliber jacketed hollow-points, to be supplied over the next five years.
After receiving numerous questions from his constituents regarding the contract, pro-Second Amendment U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) and his staff set out in search of the truth. In a
press release, Rep. Westmoreland's office explains:
If you take the number of agencies that will be using this ammunition – CBP, Citizenship and Immigration Services, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), ICE, the U.S. Secret Service, Transportation Security Administration, the DHS police force, and all the guards that protect the various buildings these agencies are housed in, and spread that out over 5 years, you start to see that 450 million rounds really isn't that large of an order. Especially considering it is used for training purposes like firing range and live fire exercises, on-the-job use (though that is very limited), and to shore up their supplies. In fact, there are 65,000 – 70,000 law enforcement personnel at DHS who would be covered under this … ammunition contract. If DHS were to purchase all 450 million rounds over 5 years, then that would equate to only about 1,384 rounds of ammo per year per law enforcement [officer] … assuming the lower estimate of only 65,000 law enforcement personnel at DHS. Considering those agents go through training exercises several times per year, that is not a lot of ammunition. Click here for full story.

And if you have a stake in this game you've got to stop S.3458 and H.R. 6241 and the statists among us:

On Monday, July 30, U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) and U.S. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) introduced legislation that would impose sweeping new--and not so new--restrictions on ammunition sales.

The bills,
S. 3458 and H.R. 6241, are known as the “Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act.” The bill itself has four elements:
  • A federal licensing requirement for ammunition sellers;
  • Recordkeeping on all ammunition sales;
  • Reporting of all sales of more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition to anyone without a federal firearms license within five consecutive business days; and
  • A photo identification requirement for all non-licensees buying ammunition, “effectively banning the online or mail order purchase of ammo by regular civilians.”
The two lawmakers’ contempt for “regular civilians” is nothing new.  Click here for full story.