Monday, October 17, 2011

TX High School Students Made to Recite Mexican National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance

OK, lets start over (I took a lot of flak over this).  First I don't need people telling me (via a number of emails) how the school system is run in Texas.  Having went to four of their colleges and universities (count 'em: UTSA, Trinity University, Southwest Texas State College[it may be a university now but when I went it was still a college] and San Antonio Junior College) and all my children attended grade school at various levels and independent school districts (depending on where I lived), with one daughter graduating from St. Edwards University.  By the way, not all school districts are equal...neither is the tax structure. 
As for Governor Rick Perry, I never thought I would be using a John Kerry quote, but I was for him before I was against him (OK, I'll fess up. I'm still leaning a little in his direction).  So I was quite abrupt with my "Dump Perry" remark but it was not exactly like putting my foot in my mouth; I was ticked off !  And anyone watching the video should be...pure brainwashing...of the worst kind!  I don't care what or whose culture one studies,there is NEVER justification or cause for impressionable students to memorize a national anthem or pledge of allegiance...never, never, never, never! 
No, I never should have implied that the Governor  Perry allowed this type of indoctrination...but the statement still stands on its own,"any governor that allows this in state funded schools needs to be fired!"  I have no idea if any governors are allowing such the implication was wrong, but the statement is right! 
Meanwhile, because of the notoriety of the video, Governor Perry should be informed of its content...if then he fails to act in a postive manner to correct this attack on America's youth, then and only then, should he be chastised.  ...'nough said !  Norman E . Hooben

ps: the emails were roughly 50-50 pro and con regarding this I wasn't alone for my outburst at the outset.  I assume the 50% have re-considered their position. 

Dump Rick Perry!
Any governor that allows this in state funded schools needs to be fired!  And that especially means Governor Rick Perry...and he thinks he wants to be president.  ~ Norman E. Hooben

PS: I'll tell ya what Perry...I'll give ya a second chance if you fire the teacher and the principal and have the students speak English...  It is an American school, isn't it?

TX High School Students Made to Recite Mexican National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance

Students in a Texas public high school were made to stand up and recite the Mexican national anthem and Mexican pledge of allegiance as part of a Spanish class assignment, but the school district maintains there was nothing wrong with the lesson. Read full story here: The Blaze

Maybe Governor Perry has a friend in the White House
This was uncalled for... NEH


redhawk said...

Norm.. Obozo in front of a mexican Flag is too common... NOW if Obozo were to pledge allegiance to a MUZZELINK Flag... that would be REALLY more like the TRUTH!

Storm'n Norm'n said...

Ref:"Obozo in front of a mexican Flag is too common... "

But he can at least hold on to his crotch like he does for the American flag...

Some say he placed his hand over his heart out of respect for the host country...

Huh! Respect! Host country? What do we call our country and our flag...

Texas Tornado said...

This is so stupid. If you took all the school employees in Texas, it would be the fifth largest company in the world. One bad employee in one school district doesn't mean Rick Perry had anything to do with this. Perry is the strongest border security hawk in America.

Storm'n Norm'n said...

Ref:"One bad employee in one school district doesn't mean Rick Perry had anything to do with this."

Excuse me! ONE bad employee! Better look again! And if Perry had nothing to do with it now that it has become public information then Perry should do the right thing...have those people fired any which way he can! Period ! End of story...
We must always remember the words of Sir Winston...

Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never, in nothing, great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. - Winston Churchill

Perry should never give in to the scumbags that want to indoctrinate our children...and that should be written in stone!

Sorry but I'm a die-hard conservative and I'll criticise anyone who stands in the way of truth, justice, and the American way...I am intolerable of those who bend the rules for politcal expediency...both the teacher and the principal should be fired and maybe the entire school board...we need to cut out the cancer that is killing this country and there's a malignancy in that school...