Thursday, January 14, 2010

Obama kids don't vote, why waste my time [Is that the message he's sending?]

Oh he'll be apologetic once his aides brief him...too bad he has such lousy aides to begin never date a response letter before the dated request (see video) ...unless of course you're an Obama aide.

School Kids Pissed At Obama's Lame Staff's Response To Letter Request

Remember with the dems and particularly Obama dems and Michelle, "it's all about the children".

"Kid on President Obama: 'It's kind of like he's paying people to be rude to people in his own country.'

At least that kid is getting an education at that school because that's exactly what he's doing. That gets him an "A" today and Obama's rookie staff an "F" for presidential FUC* ups.

You'd think that correspondence sent to the White House by schoolchildren would be treated with more respect than they give the Republican letters to the president, but apparently they all get answered by the same dumb ass down at the White House.

And I don't mean Obama himself, since they haven't perfected the Teleprompter for letters just yet for Obama's use so he can reply to some of these on his own.

Maybe they can hand over that responsibility to one of his children next time who would certainly do a better job.

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